Tuesday, January 10, 2023


God visited Adam in the Garden of Eden as He usually did, but Adam and Eve were no where to be seen.  God called out to him saying, - Adam, Adam where are you?   Adam responded with a shaken voice saying, "I heard your voice and I was afraid; because I was naked " God asked him, " who told you you were naked?" Have you eaten fruits of the tree I had commanded you not to eat?" Adam responded saying,"The woman whom you gave to be with me, gave me the fruits and I ate." 
God said to Adam, because you have disobeyed what I commanded you to do, "cursed is the ground. In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. (Genesis 3:9-12,17)

The curse of disobedience to God is very severe. Adam and his family slided into spiritual oblivion. everything went wrong in the beautiful holy Garden of Eden. God no longer came to be with them in the evenings. Adam and his wife were send away from their home to live in the forest and to live on wild fruits. 

Thorns and thistles sprouted. An innocent lamb shed blood for Adam and family temporal forgiveness of sins. The skin/hide of the lamb was used to make a covering for the fallen family. The covering in them would register in their mind the fact that sin kills. Shortly after, the eldest son killed his sibling Abel. Death posed a serious land mark on earth till the coming of Jesus where Jesus reversed the trend.

Believers have the slain Jesus clothing of righteousness replacing the Adam's skin of the slain lamb. So now believers are righteous in Jesus and have access to the throne of grace. Today if you read this wonderful message make a bold step and stand out as you seek to unite bodily with Jesus our Lord and Saviour of the World. God bless you.

Jesus commanded believers all over the World to take the everlasting message to all people of the World

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