Showing posts with label Tithes and Offerings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tithes and Offerings. Show all posts

Friday, November 4, 2011

God demands faithful Tithing

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By Apostle William Korir,

The Holy Scriptures declare, "All the Tithe of land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's. it is Holy to the Lord (Leviticus 27:30). Christians are required to worship God with their Tithes and offerings. How do we pay Tithes? You may ask. God demands that you pay Him 10% of your earnings/income. If you receive US$. 10,000.00, you owe God 10% of the amount which equals to US$. 1,000.00. (Genesis 28:22, Hebrews 7:4). If you are earning salary then you are due to pay 10% of Gross pay and not net amount. All peoples are urged to honour the Lord with their possessions ..(Proverbs 3:9).

God have promised that for those who pay their Tithes faithfully, He will open the windows of heaven and poor blessings until their is no room to put the out pouring of blessings. Munene is a Tuk Tuk operator and he attends a sunday Service dedicated to the Tuk Tuk operators every sunday from 8.00am to 9.00a.m. I taught them about the faithful giving of Tithes and offerings. Munene gave his 10% Tithe the following Sunday and his life and work was transformed that week. He said that his Tuk Tuk service went up and never rested transporting people. He was transporting pae ssengers continuosly. He said the Lord had blessed him abundantly for responding to his call to pay Tithes and Offerings. (Malachi 3:10)

Consequences of not paying Tithes: When people fail to pay faithful Tithes God curses them.. and they receive plagues and pestilences. Whenever you work hard you loose everything because God has not blessed it. You will sweat the whole day only to earn and put your money in pockets with holes. When you receive your earnings members of your family become sick, or you loose money through unplanned outlets with no gain (Malachi 3:8-9, Haggai 1:5,6).
You shall not delay to pay Tithes to the Lord (Exodus 22:29, 23:19).

If you have not been paying Tithes regularly repent and start paying Tithes to the Lord without any further delay. This does not apply to Christians only but to all mankind. If you do not have a church and you wish to honour this requirement you can pay your Tithes at any Equity Bank Ltd. nearest to you, as follows:

Account Name: Hope Ministries World.
Branch: Kitengela

May God bless you and gives you power to honour this requirement - " Faithful Tithing" to unlock heavenly windows for God to shower you with his blessings till you have no room in your store house to put it.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Desire to serve God in His vineyard

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By Apostle William Korir,

The work of God continues suffer tremendously yet Christians throng churches the world over only to give offerings made up of the left overs after their routine heavy spending. Jesus tells us every day to LOVE GOD WITH ALL OUR HEARTS AND WITH ALL OUR STRENGTH! Loving God means we cannot deny what wehe has given us. No wonder we struggle to rise only to plummet. We are always making a 360 degrees turning only to end up where we started!

In the book of Malachi God declares His position and action for those who are dishonest to him.

" I ask you, is it right for a person to cheat God? Of course not, yet you are cheating me. How? you ask. in the matter of Tithes and offerings . A CURSE IS ON ALL OF YOU because the whole nation is cheating me. Bring the full amount of your tithes to the temple, so that there will be plenty of food there. put me to the test and you will see that I will open the windows of heaven and pour out on you in abundance all kinds of good things. I will not let insects destroy your crops, and your grapevines will be loaded with grapes. then the people of all Nations will call you happy, because your land will be a good place to live in (Malachi 3:8-12).

Many people perish for lack of knowledge, they follow the teachings and commandments of men. Since the introduction into modern churches of Prosperity teachings, where preachers dwells much on planting of Seeds, Many people Christians and Non Christians alike - rush to churches to expect miracles of multiplications - through planting of "Seeds". Watch out - for most of what you see and the several testimonies are mainly - tailor made. People just fake riches in order to wood wing unsuspecting Christians.

in the Book of Haggai Chapter 1:6 -, God declares, "You have sewn much corn, but have harvested very little.You have food to eat but not enough to make you full. You have clothing but not enough to make you warm. And you earn salary only to put in pockets with holes!.... You hoped for a large harvest but they turned out to be small. and when you brought home the harvest I blew it away. Why did I do that? Because my Temple lies in ruins while everyone of you is busy working on his own house. That is why there is hardships in your lives. The LORD TAKES no pleasure in causing us grief or pain (Lamentations 3:33).

Therefore be faithful to the LORD and honour him with the resources he has blessed you with, so that there is continued supply of blessings in your Home!


Thursday, February 28, 2008


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By Apostle William Korir

INTRODUCTION: A. Psalm 96:8-9 B. It should be the desire of every child of God to want to know the whole truth on any subject. 1. What is important to realise in this regard is that “the reception of any truth depends upon the attitude that one has toward it.” 2. We often tell our friends and neighbours that they do not understand God’s truth on baptism or grace because they do not manifest the right attitude toward God’s word of these subjects. 3. Sadly, there are thousands upon thousands of Christians who have closed their ears to what God has said on the subject of giving. 4. There are some who even have an ugly attitude on this subject. C. Here are statements that I have heard brethren make concerning giving: “I get so tired of hearing sermons on giving.” “Can’t the preacher talk about anything but money?” “O, he just gives to be seen of men.” 1. Statements like these are an index into a man’s character . 2. If many told the truth, it might sound like this: a. “I am too selfish to give generously.” b. I am too extravagant with my money to be able to give generously.” c. “I spend too much money foolishly to give generously.” D. It is essential that we manifest the proper attitude on this vital subject. 1. 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 2. Giving as we have been prospered is a command of God, and we will be lost if we disregard those commands. 3. Someone once said attitude is just as important as truth, for truth is never understood with the wrong attitude. 4. Free-will offerings are commanded on the first day of the week - NOT bake sales, etc. 5. Let us now consider a variety of attitudes that many have toward giving. DISCUSSION: A. SOME HAVE THE ATTITUDE OF THE RICH YOUNG RULER 1. Mark 10:18-22 2. This ruler wanted to go to heaven and he lived an upright and moral life - he had a desire to follow Christ, and no doubt he thought he was ready from any standpoint a. It never entered his mind that his money, or how he viewed it, was a hindrance to him b. His wealth had blinded him. c. This rich young ruler thought was doing well in keeping the commands of God - BUT, there was something he was overlooking 3. Jesus said go sell what you have! WHY? Jesus knew this man had the wrong attitude toward money. a. The young man turned and walked away. HOW SAD! b. He loved his money more than he loved the Lord. c. Beloved, if we have this kind of attitude we will loose our soul! B. SOME HAVE THE ATTITUDE OF JUDAS 1. John 12:3-6 2. It has been said that “temptation commonly comes through that for which we are naturally fitted.” a. If a man is fitted to handle money, the temptation comes to regard money as the most important thing in the world. b. Judas was evidently gifted at handling money - that is why he was chosen to take care of the money. c. Judas, though, became so fond of money that he became a thief. d. Judas saw this woman anointing Jesus’ feet - an act of surpassing love, but Judas saw it as a waste. 3. You see, a man’s sight depends on what is on the inside of him. What he sees depends on the condition of his heart. a. For example, if we like a person we seldom see his faults, but if we do not like an individual - his faults increase. b. When I hear one is opposed to a good work because it costs too much - I wonder about their attitude … Judas? C. SOME HAVE THE ATTITUDE OF ANANIAS AND SAPPHIRA 1. Acts 5:1-2 2. The very fact that these two people lied about their giving shows beyond all doubt that they had the wrong attitude toward money. a. Every time a person leaves the impression that he is giving as God has prospered him and then refuses to give liberally, he is just as guilty as Ananias and Sapphira. b. Why should we think it is worse for them to lie about their giving than for us to lie about our giving? c. One may say, “I don’t lie about my giving, I just do not give liberally.” d. Let me ask you this question, “Which is worse, to lie to God or to rob God?” … Malachi 3:8 D. SOME HAVE THE ATTITUDE OF BARNABAS 1. Acts 4:36-37 2. It is not difficult to understand why Barnabas was called a good man (Acts 11:24). This is the kind of man we should strive to imitate. a. Think of all the good that would be done if all people in the church were free-hearted, liberal givers and good like Barnabas. b. The contrast is striking between Barnabas and the rich young ruler, Judas, and Ananias and Sapphira. 3. Why did Barnabas do this good deed? He had a wonderful attitude toward giving. a. Do you suppose Barnabas ever got mad when a sermon was preached on giving? b. I am glad that the Bible tells us of men like Barnabas - reading about Barnabas should give us a much stronger desire to give generously. c. If you do not enjoy hearing lessons on giving, then your heart is out of tune with Christ E. SOME HAVE THE ATTITUDE OF THE POOR WIDOW. 1. Mark 12:41-44 2. Suppose that on each Lord’s day you were to walk up before the congregation and put your offering on the table where all could see it. a. Some would say, “I would be embarrassed.” b. You would not be if you gave liberally and sacrificially as the poor widow 3. If we would all give liberally as God has prospered us, our contribution would increase and we would be adding good works instead of deleting them. a. One preacher said, “When I look at the well-dressed congregation, I ask, where are the poor? When I look at the collection plate, I ask where are the rich?” b. Are we giving sacrificially? F. SOME HAVE THE ATTITUDE OF DAVID 1. 2 Samuel 24:24 2. I wish we could have this type of attitude. a. Notice Malachi’s rebuke … Malachi 1:12-14 b. We ought not be giving God our “left-overs” c. Notice the words of Paul … 2 Corinthians 2:8 3. Every single one of us need to reevaluate our giving. CONCLUSION: A. What is your attitude toward giving? 1. Rich Young Ruler? … Judas … Ananias and Sapphira? 2. Barnabas? … The Poor Widow? … David? B. Are you giving as God has prospered you?