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By Apostle William Korir,
The Holy Scriptures declare, "All the Tithe of land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's. it is Holy to the Lord (Leviticus 27:30). Christians are required to worship God with their Tithes and offerings. How do we pay Tithes? You may ask. God demands that you pay Him 10% of your earnings/income. If you receive US$. 10,000.00, you owe God 10% of the amount which equals to US$. 1,000.00. (Genesis 28:22, Hebrews 7:4). If you are earning salary then you are due to pay 10% of Gross pay and not net amount. All peoples are urged to honour the Lord with their possessions ..(Proverbs 3:9).
God have promised that for those who pay their Tithes faithfully, He will open the windows of heaven and poor blessings until their is no room to put the out pouring of blessings. Munene is a Tuk Tuk operator and he attends a sunday Service dedicated to the Tuk Tuk operators every sunday from 8.00am to 9.00a.m. I taught them about the faithful giving of Tithes and offerings. Munene gave his 10% Tithe the following Sunday and his life and work was transformed that week. He said that his Tuk Tuk service went up and never rested transporting people. He was transporting pae ssengers continuosly. He said the Lord had blessed him abundantly for responding to his call to pay Tithes and Offerings. (Malachi 3:10)
Consequences of not paying Tithes: When people fail to pay faithful Tithes God curses them.. and they receive plagues and pestilences. Whenever you work hard you loose everything because God has not blessed it. You will sweat the whole day only to earn and put your money in pockets with holes. When you receive your earnings members of your family become sick, or you loose money through unplanned outlets with no gain (Malachi 3:8-9, Haggai 1:5,6).
You shall not delay to pay Tithes to the Lord (Exodus 22:29, 23:19).
If you have not been paying Tithes regularly repent and start paying Tithes to the Lord without any further delay. This does not apply to Christians only but to all mankind. If you do not have a church and you wish to honour this requirement you can pay your Tithes at any Equity Bank Ltd. nearest to you, as follows:
Account Name: Hope Ministries World.
Branch: Kitengela
May God bless you and gives you power to honour this requirement - " Faithful Tithing" to unlock heavenly windows for God to shower you with his blessings till you have no room in your store house to put it.
The Holy Scriptures declare, "All the Tithe of land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's. it is Holy to the Lord (Leviticus 27:30). Christians are required to worship God with their Tithes and offerings. How do we pay Tithes? You may ask. God demands that you pay Him 10% of your earnings/income. If you receive US$. 10,000.00, you owe God 10% of the amount which equals to US$. 1,000.00. (Genesis 28:22, Hebrews 7:4). If you are earning salary then you are due to pay 10% of Gross pay and not net amount. All peoples are urged to honour the Lord with their possessions ..(Proverbs 3:9).
God have promised that for those who pay their Tithes faithfully, He will open the windows of heaven and poor blessings until their is no room to put the out pouring of blessings. Munene is a Tuk Tuk operator and he attends a sunday Service dedicated to the Tuk Tuk operators every sunday from 8.00am to 9.00a.m. I taught them about the faithful giving of Tithes and offerings. Munene gave his 10% Tithe the following Sunday and his life and work was transformed that week. He said that his Tuk Tuk service went up and never rested transporting people. He was transporting pae ssengers continuosly. He said the Lord had blessed him abundantly for responding to his call to pay Tithes and Offerings. (Malachi 3:10)
Consequences of not paying Tithes: When people fail to pay faithful Tithes God curses them.. and they receive plagues and pestilences. Whenever you work hard you loose everything because God has not blessed it. You will sweat the whole day only to earn and put your money in pockets with holes. When you receive your earnings members of your family become sick, or you loose money through unplanned outlets with no gain (Malachi 3:8-9, Haggai 1:5,6).
You shall not delay to pay Tithes to the Lord (Exodus 22:29, 23:19).
If you have not been paying Tithes regularly repent and start paying Tithes to the Lord without any further delay. This does not apply to Christians only but to all mankind. If you do not have a church and you wish to honour this requirement you can pay your Tithes at any Equity Bank Ltd. nearest to you, as follows:
Account Name: Hope Ministries World.
Branch: Kitengela
May God bless you and gives you power to honour this requirement - " Faithful Tithing" to unlock heavenly windows for God to shower you with his blessings till you have no room in your store house to put it.