By Apostle William K Korir,

Apostle William K Korir.
Today is a great day for us and as we look back, we see 365.25 days which we have put behind us. The evidence is however left in our hands, where see count the Lord’s blessings one by one. On the first day of the count down we had nothing, just two people, the Apostle and Athanassio. We had no instruments to use except the bare empty space. God has been merciful and has blessed us abundantly and by April 2008 we had facilities that can make us spread the gospel. By the same period we had an interactive website reaching out to the world with the gospel truth.

We all have everything to smile for as God has proved to us that we can do everything through him who empowers us. As we celebrate today our first anniversary an as we look at the achievements so far made, we should not lose sight of the task ahead of us. All of us will move with diligence to advance the work of our Lord and God.

Our role is as clearly spelt out in our Vision and Mission Statements. We need to embrace our passion as our drive toward achieving the set goals for the Lord has brought us thus far from our humble beginning to the point where members were now joining the ministry to serve the Lord God with unrivalled zeal. The year 2009 is going to be the Lord’s miracle year where the ministry will witness God’s Power and many Souls around the globe will be touched and lead to Know Jesus. The Church’s interactive Website is already a miracle channel of communication where many souls are being touched. He a said a Pastor in Kisii had written to the church and said on how he was being blessed. The Pastors email received contained the following contents. The name and location as been removed for purposes of confidentiality,
“From: Pastor David
Sent: Saturday, December 6, 2008 6:47:52 PM
Subject: Affiliation
Dear fellow servants of God,
Warm Christian greetings in Jesus name,
We thank God for the wonderful, fiery, thrilling, reviving and life changing work brethren you are doing may the good father increase, enlarge and bless you.
We have not and we will never cease lifting you up in prayer before the able arms of our good Father since we read of your faith and precious web.
We are a group of 30 believers saved by the Grace and enduring mercies of the Lord. We have been greatly motivated and touched by your transforming website: Now therefore servants of the Lord, this door is open for you to visit us, view the work, nurture it, water it for where we are many, many don't know this saving knowledge, yes they claim but the word says, "THESE PEOPLETHEY HONOR BY THEIR LIPS BUT THEIR HEARTS ARE FAR WAY", and it says, "EVERY MAN CLAIMS HIS WAYS RIGHTEOUS BUT A FAITHFUL MAN WHO WILL FIND"?
We seize eternal life when God's word dwells in us we do not say an individual has true life just because he is able to breathe and move his hands and feet. The existence of true life is determined by whether or not the Master- His Spirit is alive.
Brethren we are seeking parenthood and to know more from you. Beloved our eyes were enlightened, our hearts were pricked, made light, new and tremendously blessed, happy and joyful are we to let you know we have been not as deeply touched by any other written works, ministry but yours has got a fundamental truth and has given us a greater sense of the cross and influence. Therefore know that through your website you have birthed children here in Kenya who needs you more to bring them up and make them heirs. We humbly request for your prayers visit us and join us to strengthen us to do the work of God to reach the lost for God's glory and carry on the vision. Hope to hear from you soon.
Yours in service,
Pastor David”
We have also received several messages from India registering their appreciation on how our website is blessing them and appreciating the simplicity in which the gospel message has presented. We expect this year to reach out to many a world people and telling them of the Love of our Lord Jesus and of the Grace of God which is available FREELY to all.
It is with deep gratitude that I take this opportunity to thank you God for granting us the opportunity to serve him and for leading us this far. We all know that it is only by His Grace that we are a life today to tell this story. Sermon:By Evangelist Daniel Kisei Ole Resing’eita.
The Holy Spirit will guide the Ministry
Holy Scriptures