Showing posts with label Men Ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Men Ministry. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


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By Apostle William Korir

I have a checklist of ideals and qualities that I would love to see in a woman. In fact, I think the attitude and personality of woman is what makes the world go round. Here are 5 qualities that I look for in a woman. #1 - Humor. Can you laugh easily? Do you know how to sense sarcasm and shoot it back? Do you smile vigorously and often? Those abilities to laugh and joke set women apart. #2 - Personality. Men talk about this all the time. Not only do we want a beautiful woman to be with physically, but spiritually and emotionally as well. A woman's personality is shown quite often in the way she carries herself and in the things she speaks about and wishes for. Is all that you care about that new "Coach" purse, or is there something deeper there? #3 - Eyes. I love a woman with a gorgeous set of eyes. Green preferably. In fact, I think a woman with deep penetrating eyes is the sexiest trait there can possibly be. Yeah, a cute butt never hurts either, but, overall, there has to be something bigger than just the physical appearance. The eyes are the window to the soul. #4 - Emotional Stability. Are you emotionally stable? Do you have an inner conviction and strength? Do you have ambition? Are you working towards a goal? Or, do you float around and ask and expect others to "be there for you" all the time? What are you bringing to the table? I love a beautiful mind and a sound heart. #5 - Nurturing abilities. Can you make a house a home? Do you want to be a good mother to your children? How do you feel about taking care of others? Can you put someone else's interests in front of your own? I obviously need to look in the mirror. There are hundreds of character traits that I'd like to have that I obviously am weak in. However, I think the qualities listed above will set any woman apart from another.


We live in a society that fixates on beauty and fitness as the mark of a man. Even in Christianity; the women of the church are more concerned if David measures up to his Biblical counterpart as far as looks go. Things such as a six pack of abs are more important than whether or not Bob is a man of God.

When looking for the qualities of a real Christian man one should consider this; a real Christian man is not concerned in how you see him; as long as you see Jesus when you look at him. A real Christian man is one who seeks what his purpose in Christ is daily. According to the Apostle Paul " He pursues righteousness, godliness, faith , and love." He is temperate at all times not allowing the views of the world to cause him to speak hastily. Displaying wisdom in all matters by consideration instead of a quick decision.

The real Christian man exhibits love at all times be it in public or private. He is not ashamed of his compassion for others, and never will he allow the people of the world to dictate to him how he should respond to a matter. For his strength is shown through his love for mankind. He feels the hurt of a brother or sister, and is not scared to display tears in public simply because the world thinks it to be "unmanly."

He is not scared of the violence of this world for he is assured of where he stands in Christ at all times. He will not back down in the face of adversity; because he knows that adversity builds character. He will confront evil like the soldier of God he has been called to be.

He understands the concept of grace, and is grateful to God that such a thing is possible. He knows how give grace for he realizes that without grace all is lost. He loves unconditionally without ever expecting anything in return. Knowing that Jesus first loved him as a sinner. Pointing fingers or gossiping are not things he involves his time in for they are not beneficial to the work of Christ.

He does not have to fight to prove his manhood, yet he is not scared to defend, and protect his family if so called to do so. He does not boast for he knows that nothing he has done or accomplished in life will ever compare to what Jesus did. He knows how far God has brought him, and even if he never knows how much farther he must go, he will do it.

He knows he is free from all bondage yet a slave to Christ, serving humbly all the days of his life. He is certain that the mark of a good leader is one who can serve; like his master did when he was here on Earth. He does not need the praise of men for he knows that God sees all, yet when given he will be humble and give the praise to God.

Through discipline he has become a disciple of Christ, and would rather die than renounce his savior. He will not quit for the word is not in his vocabulary.Always being the consummate gentleman at all times. Having control over his desires, and actions at all times.

He is a father, brother, son, friend; but above all he is a Christian twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.