Friday, February 8, 2008


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Apostle William Korir

Eph. 2:8-9 states " By grace you have been saved, through faith and that not of yourselves. It is a gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast."This word grace is the one major element that separates Christianity from all other religions. While many other religions have so many requirements and rules that they must follow to merit their gods love, or their going to be with their god when they die. They must always earn their gods love or work at keeping it. Grace simply stated, is God giving us a free gift that we do not deserve. It is His loving kindness to us, for it is grace, because it is given without regard to worth or merit. 

The awesome thing is that we cannot do anything to make God love us any less or any more. We don't have to be successful to be loved. We don't have to fulfil certain obligations to be loved. We don't have to do good works to be loved. We are loved by God through grace, because we cannot do anything to earn His love. Why? Because we are already pleasing to Him once we receive Christ's forgiveness of sin. In other words, grace says you can't earn it, I give it. It says you've failed, that's all right, I am here to help you. Please, don't ever feel that you've done something too terrible, or too many things wrong, that you cannot be forgiven by Gods' grace. If there is anyone who is an example of this and Gods' grace it is Paul. If our God were a vengeful or unforgiving God, bent on getting even, do you not think Paul, who persecuted Jesus, through the persecution of His followers and all associated with them, would not have been dealt with severely. Instead by Gods' grace, 

Paul was used in an amazing way and aren't we lucky? Paul preached grace for he knew firsthand, the awesome gift of God's grace. As Paul says, "it is grace in which we now stand," which means we can do nothing nor need we to merit Gods" continual grace. This is why it is not a requirement to work hard, to earn or gain God's favour....We already have it. We don't have to feel that we always need to do more or do better in order to be accepted. God has done all we need through the cross of Jesus, to make us acceptable. I feel that many of us allow a thief to steal the truth of grace and love from us. Whether it is because we feel that we need to do good works to merit grace, to be perfect, to do more or do better. The thief can also be those in our lives that make us feel that we need to do the latter, and they make us feel unworthy or inferior. They make us feel we cannot or do not please them. When we allow others to do this we sometimes relate how they think of us, to how God thinks of us. 

This takes away our knowledge of the true meaning of grace, and the awesome love of our Father in Heaven, who sufficiently saw our need, then did all that had to be done through our Precious Savior Jesus. So please, put this thief behind the bars of grace and leave him there. You are loved by God in an awesome way. His love flows continually just for you. You are pleasing and acceptable in God's eyes just as you are. Remember, God created you and God does not make mistakes. Many of you do love and serve Him well and with all that you are. You do allow the love of His Son to flow through you into others. This is great, and we should all strive to serve God out of love, but Grace means that you do not have to feel guilt by believing you aren't good enough, doing enough or are not pleasing enough. You already have peace with God, you are pleasing to God, and you are loved by God, because of Gods' GRACE. Best of all the foundation of grace is built on our rock, Jesus Christ, He Paid it all!

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