Wednesday, February 27, 2008



What is the mark of the true Christian man? A true Christian has nothing to do with man's outward conduct, his outward profession, his outward goodness. They have nothing to do with his church membership. They have to do with what is inside. They have to do with his character, with his nature, with something that no one sees but eventually that everyone sees because it works its way out.

A true Christian is one who worships in or by the spirit of God. Matthew 4:10, Jesus said, you shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you served That's the characteristic of a true believer. Worship God from your heart not because you do external things but because you love God, you love Christ, you delight in them. You have a relationship that passes all understanding, a calm in the midst of the storm.

You are the only one who knows your heart that is why 2 Corinthians 13:5 says Examine yourselves" I can't examine you. A Christian man should be a good provider to his family, he should be God-fearing, he should be kind to the needy, he should be law abiding, he should be morally pure etc.


There is nothing wrong with wealth. How can there be when God is the one who gives people the ability to get wealth (Deut. 8:18) what is wrong is the way men search for it, or control it or think of it. The bible in Psalm 62:10 says don't try to get rich by extortion or robbery. And if your wealth increases don't make it the centre of your life,

King David lived in very different days. There was no stock market and even charging interest was looked upon with disfavour. But David recognized that trying to get rich was on the minds or at least some of his people. He worried them about trying to get rich by extortion or robbery. For those who had no intention of engaging in fiscal inequalities, David added "And if your wealth increases don't make it the centre of your life.

Wealth has its own advantages. It holds out the promise of the best of everything" - The best seat in the stadium; the best table in the restaurant; the best car in town; the best school for ones children. At times wealth suggests it can cure all ills and satisfy all desires. It whispers that it can open doors otherwise closed and that it can solve all problems

The Bible offers a sharp contrast to the attitude or the materialist. As someone has said, money will buy

A bed but not sleep

Books but not brains

Food but not an appetite

A house but not a home

Medicine but not health

Amusement but not happiness

No wonder Ecclesiastes 5:10-11 said, "He who loves money shall never have enough. The foolishness of making wealth brings happiness, the more you have the more you spend, right up to the limits of your income. Wealth is morally neutral but dangerous. Many have misquoted 1 Timothy 6:10 to read that money is the root of all evil. But money can be used for good or for evil. It can build church, hospital, schools etc. The root of all evil is in the mind of man, not his money. Wealth will not corrupt a man if he has the proper perspective of it. Scripture focuses on many men who were both wealthy and godly such men as Job, Abraham, Joseph, David, Daniel, Joseph of Arimathaea are evidence that a person can be rich and still maintain a close relationship with God.

Proverbs 10:4-5 says that lazy people are soon poor, hard workers get rich. A wise youth works hard all summer; a youth who sleeps away the hour of opportunity brings shame. There is great wisdom in reminding people who choose not to work that the result will be poverty and the poverty of the poor is their calamity (proverbs 10:15) The lazy person may blame his calamity on everything but himself. But the root of his problem lies between his two ears: his attitude towards work is all wrong. He neither sees work as a privilege nor recognizes the mobility of labour. He doesn't like to work, and he feels obliged to avoid everything he does not like. It matters not to him that God worked and that Jesus spent the bulk of his like in honest toil. Truly, a man who sleeps always the hour opportunity brings shame.

On the other hand, the man who sets about his work with energy and determination usually provide abundantly for his family and produces enough to give generously to those in need. The earnings of the godly enhance their lives (Proverbs 10:16) He has the means to offer to the Lord the fruit of his labour. Such a man is aware that while his work is producing the blessing of the Lord makes a person rich (proverbs 10 : 22) - it is tlie Lord who gives a man the ability to get wealth. The wise man knows it.


God is interested in the prosperity of his children. The bible in 3 John : 2 says Behold I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health Just as your soul prosper. This implies that God is the author of prosperity. The following are some of the ways a Christian man can create wealth to prosper.

1) Investment:- This is the process of investing in a thing that is worth buying because it may be profitable and useful in the future. There is no investment without risk and the scripture did not recommend any specific investment. A Christian man can invest in Real estate buying shares; transport business; running of private school etc. Before you participate in any investment seek the wise counsel of those experienced in that particular investment. Be patent I have never known anyone who made money in a hurry. A wide risky investment.

2) Lending Money :- as an investment to Earn Interest:- When you deposit money in a savings account, you are lending the bank money and receiving interest in return. The same is true when you lend money to a friend who is starting a new business. You are loaning money to earn interest. I believe scripture says this is legitimate and proper. It is clear that it was normal to change interest on loans. Luke 19:23 says "Then why didn't you deposit the money in the bank so I could at least get interest in it? • I want to stress that the interest in it? Loans that someone's need- his food, cloths or shelter. The bible in Exodus 22:25 suggested that lending to individual needs should be without interest.

3) Inheritance:- When a good man dies^ he leaves an inheritance for his children (Proverbs 13: 22) A Christian man can create wealth from the inheritance his parents left for him. For instance if someone inherited a real estate from his dead parents, monthly rent that comes from the tenants is a good source of wealth creation.

4) Savings:- Scripture says "The wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets" (Proverbs 21 : 20) If a man knows how to save before long he would have accumulated much money which could form his cap... to start a business that will bring wealth to him. Establishing a pattern of saving and start as soon as you recover your next pay.


The family purse especially in a depressed economy like owns has been generating a lot of arguments and mixed feelings amongst couples throughout the country. Let us look at some fears men have about their wives in money matters.

a) She is too Demanding:- Many men hide their purse or refuse to declare their income to their wives because according to them she is too demanding. J do not support any woman that does not sleep until she has emptied the pocket of her husband but the fact remain that some men do not remember that their wife need clothing make-ups etc. Such women are force to demand and they should not be blamed for it.

b) She will smuggle all to her parents:- As Africans we believe in the practice of extended family. If a man forgets his inlaws, his wife will naturally remember them. To stop your wife from smuggling your money to her relations, put the money on the family table and show it in such a way that everyone will benefit. Any wife who continues the practice of smuggling after such openness by the man should repent.

c) She is a waste pipe:- I agree that some women are drainage pipes financially speaking. Such women want to attend every occasion with a new cloth and shoe. If you have such a woman pray that God will deliver her and give some economic and money management orientation to her.

She does not understand that times are Hard:- If she does not understand, . it should not make you unhappy. When a woman marries, her feeling is that she is going to enjoy. She is right. The Bible in Genesis 3:16 tells us that the desire and demands of a wife shall be her husband. This is why, no matter the monthly earnings of a wife, she demands and value money that comes from her husband. Bullying your wife because she makes legitimate demands in the true of hardship does not reduce hardship. If you cannot adequately cater for your family, pray for God's favour.

e) She is lazy and does not endeavor to earn some income:- This may be true of some women. Such women should sit-up and face the economic realities of our tune.

For successful management of money in the home, I wish to suggest the following.

1) A man should be able to declare his financial stand to his wife. There is nothing wrong if your wife has access to your pay-slip. If men accepts he fact that they are the same with their wife, there is nothing to hide.

2) When money pumps in the couple should be careful in their spending. The Bible says money has wings. When it files in, it should be the time to invest, build private and public house and not a period of taking fettles and more wives.

3) When money files away, as it sometimes will it will be a time of prayer for God's favour. It is not a time of quarrelling. Be content with what you have; for he himself said, I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you. (Hebrew 13 vs. 5).

4) Do not enter into any secret financial deals and hi it if from each other because the outcome is not known. Most men do this because of discouragement from their wise. Again It is natural, women are afraid to take risks. This should not stop a man from taking risks that are likely to bring God's favour in the home.


From experience, one of the things that have brought quarrel in our Christian homes today is the issue of money. In every marital relationship, there are period of conflicts. In the game of quarrelling between a husband and a wife, there should be some rules. As a husband, the head and leader of your wife, you must be conscious of this fact. No matter the level of provocation when you are in a quarrel with your wife, please do not do any die following.

1) Do not use physical strength to assault your wife by beating her up. Men have more physical power than women and the purpose is to protect and provide for her not to punch her beautiful face.

2) Do not walk out on your wife. Some husband walk out on their wife, leave her at home and go out with friends and abandon her even if she is crying. They start to keep late nights or sleep outside lor days. They refuse their wife's food. No matter the quarrel try and lead your wife in the direction of peace,

3) Do not seek for comfort in another woman's bossom. Do not run away. Be manly enough to see how the present problem can be solved.

4) Do not insist that you are right. The time or quarrel is not the best time to insist. Deliberately put-out the fire and explain your point later.

5) Never send your wife packing or threaten to do so. A quarrel should not destroy your home.

6) Do not extend your quarrel with your wife to your in-laws or other relations or even other members or your household.

7) Do not go outside the subject matter or the quarrel. Do not use the ' opportunity to tell her other unpleasant things you might have against her as this might fuel the quarrel. Make peace more as soon as possible.

Thank you for listening and God bless.




a) Proper perspective of wealth. Jeremiah 9 Vs 23 and 24, John 6 Vs 27, James 1 Vs9-11

b) External perspective of wealth. Proverbs 11 Vs 4, 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 30-31, Proverbs 11 Vs 4, 18

c) How wealth relates to happiness, Ecclesiastes 5 Vs 10-11, Luke 12 Vs. 15, Proverbs 13 Vs. 7

d) Things more valuable then wealth Mathew 16 Vs. 26, 1 Peter 1:7; John 28 Vs. 17-19

e) The futility of wealth, Proverbs 11 Vs 28, Psalm 39 Vs. 5-6, Proverbs 11 Vs. 28

f) Balance of wealth, Proverbs 30 Vs. 7-9 2)


a) Trusting in wealth, Proverbs 18 Vs. 11, John 31 Vs 24-28, Proverbs 11 Vs. 28, Romans 2 Vs. 22

b) Danger of greed, covetousness and loving money, Ephesians 5 Vs. 5; 1 Timothy 6 Vs. 9-10, 1 Samuel 7 Vs. 2; Psalm 37 Vs. 1-3.

c) Evil deeds done for wealth, Mathew 26 Vs. 14-15; Judges 16 Vs.5, Esther 3 Vs 8-11, Acts 1 Vs 18, Acts 16 Vs. 16-19.

d) Wealth used to worship idols, Hosea 10 Vs. 1, Habakkuk 1 Vs. 16, Acts 19 Vs. 24-26.

e) Wealth that leads to rich and prideful man

EZEKIEL 7:10, LUKE 6:24 - 25.


a) Gods people who were wealthy 2 chronicles 9:13-14, Gen 13:1,2,5; Job 1:10

b) God's people who were poor. 1 Corinthians 1:26, 2 Corinthians 11:27.

c) Church leaders should not have money 1 Timothy 3:1-3, Titus 1:7

d) Don't favour the rich James 2:1-9

e) Kingdom of God for the poor Luke 6:20-21, Luke 7:22


a) Advantages of wealth. Proverbs 10:15, 14:20, 19:4

b) Disadvantages of wealth. Proverbs 13:8, 19 : 7. Ecclesiastes 15:12


Ecclesiastes 7:14, Ezekiel 27:32-36


Proverb 24:19-20, Psalm 17:13-15, Jeremiah 12:1-3 Revelations 18:3

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