Friday, February 8, 2008


Text: Acts 1:1-9; Acts 2:1-12
Topic: How the Holy Spirit indwells the believerBig
Idea: When one takes Jesus as Lord, Jesus becomes resident in that life in the person of the Holy Spirit.
Keywords: Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit, indwelling; Lordship
The church needs to call people to the awareness of a higher level of life.-
Illustration: Augsburger briefly quotes a Forbes editorial that criticizes the church for lacking the voice of God.
When one takes Jesus as Lord, Jesus becomes resident in that life in the person of the Holy Spirit. The presence of Jesus is made real by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
The wind, fire, and languages of Pentecost were symbols of Jesus' presence.- Acts 2:1-12
While the person Jesus was localized, his Spirit is global.
Jesus baptizes us with the Holy Spirit. The power of Jesus is made real by laying your life open to the Holy Spirit.
The indwelling of the Spirit is a covenant relationship.-
Illustration: Augsburger tells a joke about an elderly couple who professed their love only once and never built upon that relationship.
We must empty and open our lives to the Spirit.
The continuous presence of the Spirit empowers the Christian.-
Illustration: Augsburger uses a brief object lesson with gravity to demonstrate how in spite of the pull of sin the Spirit still lifts us up.-
Illustration: The story of a boy who failed to regularly keep the water spout clear, however, illustrates that we must continually maintain our relationship with the Spirit to keep his power flowing through us.

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