Many people term Christianity as a message for the poor and some treat it as a mere myth. When you take time to read through the Holy Bible you be suprised to find that writings are so powerful and captivating. Your life is slowly transformed as your heart is warmed up. The Bible reveals the creator God and His good plans for mankind. The Bible presents the cosmic power that God used to create the earth and all its hosts and the entireuniverse in six literal days, in accordance to His plan. It also traces the origin of mankind to Eden when God created man from nothing (Genesis Chapters 1 and 2).
A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instructions.
God had given Adam basic rules which if obeyed could have given them happiness. At the close of creation week God commanded Adam and his family to eat for food fruits from all the trees in the garden except for a forbiden tree in the middle of the garden for knowing good and evil. The fruits were to supply them with all the necessary nutrients for their good health and continued life.
Before the earth and the universe existed, God had created thousands and thousands of beautiful angels who served God and praised Him continuously. God appointed one angel to be their leader and named him - Lucifer and All angels reported to him. One day, Lucifer rebelled against God. He influenced other angels to rebel against God, and 1/3rd supported him. God gave them a chance to repent but Lucifer was unrelenting in his rebellion. Lucifer, and his followers were later expelled from heaven to wonder about the Universe. God took away His glory, from Lucifer and from His Angels but they retained their power. The wonderful name - Lucifer was also stripped from him and carried a new name - Satan - the adversary, and His followers became "Demons".
God had commanded Adam to eat of the fruits of all the trees in the garden except for one which grew in the middle of the garden of Eden, saying it was the tree of knowledge for knowing good and evil. He informed them that the day they ate of the forbiden tree; the would surely die. The tree was therefore the only place Adam and his generation could have been in contact with Satan. They were going to be safe as long as they did not go near the tree.
Adam instructed Eve of God's Command on the forbiden fruit. On day, Eve while moving around the garden heard the serpent's voice calling her from the top of the tree. the serpent posed a seemingly harmless question and in an attempt to clarify the position, Eve was drawn into a protracted arguement which later altered her thinking and misttrust of earlier instructions from God. Doubt was hatched in her mind and she desired for better things as promised by the serpent. The snake hissed, "Did God say that you should not eat of all the trees in the Garden? No....! replied Eve, on the contrary, He told us to eat the fruits of all the trees except for the tree in the middle......... the one you are in. He said we should not even go near it for the day we eat of its fruits, we shall surely die". The snake chewed anumber of fruits and seems to be enjoying it, then it replied No! it is not true, You will not surely die, but you will actually be like God knowing good and evil".
The bible says that Eve saw that the fruits of the tree was good for food, that it was pleasing to the eyes and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruits and ate. She took some fruits and gave gave it to her husband and he ate (Genesis 3:6). Then their eyes opened knowing good and bad.... and they saw that they were naked and they sew fig tree leaves and covered themselves. When they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the cool of the day they were afraid and they hid themselves in the neaby trees.
It was the practice of God to visit them in late afternoon as the sun was about to set. On that material day God came as usual but he could not find them in their usual place, so he called them....Adam? Adam? .....where are you? Adam responded with a faint voice in the nearby bushes......... Eeeeerrrr I........ I..... We...... we ....arrrrre here. We heard your sound and we were afraid and hid for we are naked. Who told you ....... that you were naked? Have you eaten the fruits of the tree I had instructed you not to eat! .......God inquired.
Adam blamed God for giving hime Eve and who led him into sin Genesis 3. He did not even apologise for the wrong doing. He said, Lord it is this woman whom you gave to stay with me who gave me the fruits and I ate. Then God turned to Eve and inquired from her why she had done such an awful thing!.. Eve replied following Adam's quee and also blamed the sepernt. God gave judgent to all; cursing the earth because of Adam and that throughout his life; he was to toil and moil and to sweat for him to get food to feed his family. As for Eve, God told her that he would increase her pain during child birth and yet would still love her husband after giving birth.
God later expelled the duo out of Eden so as not to eat of the fruits of the tree of life in the garden and place an angel to guard it with a flaming sword.
God did not hate Adam and Eve for breaking the set rules. He in fact loved them so much. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). God by instituting judgement, had said that he would increase enmity between the woman's seed and the serpent. God said the woman's seed (Jesus Christ) would crush the serpents' head while the serpent will bruise Christ's heel. This was fulfilled at the cross (Genesis 3:15).
God promised salvation for mankind saying a time will come when they will receive Salvation through Jesus Christ who will be born, crucified and at the cross, Jesus will crush the head of the serpent- Satan; and Jesus will be wounded on his side and heel as God reconcile the fallen mankind to himself (Genesis 3:15; II Corinthians 5:17-20)
God blessed Adam to be fruitfull to multiply and fill the earth (Genesis 1:28). About 2000 years ago Jesus was born in Bethlehem and the Angels announced His birth to the shepherds who were in the wilderness, who went to Bethlehem. Jesus was born under difficult circumstances. It was during the census and many people had gone to Bethlehem to be counted. Joseph and Mary had also gone there to be counted. The hotels were fully booked and there was no room for them. It was time for the baby to come and they went around all the hotels but they could not find a space. They later managed to get a place at a cow shed and so mary gave birth there and later placed Jesus in a manger to rest. The King Kings could not find a decent place to be born and had to spend his first hours on planet earth in a cow shed.
Jesus came to the earth and was clothed with the flesh and lived amongs human beings, (John 1:1-14) and at the appointed time he was crucified in the cross, and through his death he was able to carry away the sins of mankind. Jesus resurrected on the third day and he stayed with his followers for 40 days. Jesus encouraged his followers that they shall receive power after the Holy Spirit come upon them and they would witness for him in the entire Israel and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).
On the day of pentecost the apostles of Jesus were in one room praying to God to bless them. Suddenly there came a sound of a mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
and cloven tonque like fire sat upon each of them. On that day the people who reeived the Holy Spirit were people of Galilae, and there were people from all over the world who were present taht day. They were; Parthians, Medes,Elamites, Mesopatamia, Judaea, Cappadocia, pontus, Asia, Phyrgia, Pamphylia, Egypt, Libya, cyrene, Rome, crete, Arabia. They were all amazed that the Galilaeans could speak in their native mother tongues.
At the cross in Calvary God solved the problem of sin by destroying the power of death which followed all minkind. God had said if you eat of the fruit you will surely die. When Adam sinned, made a sacrifice by killing an animal thereby shedding blood when God made a skin covering for Adam and Eve. There is no forgiveness of sin before shedding blood. Jesus therefore died at the cross to get rid of the original sin commited by Adam and which had been passed to mankind over the years.
Every individual needs to confess their sins and be converted so as to be saved. God has purchased every single saul through the death of Jesus Christ at the Cross.
Reader, you can also be saved today!, if you accept Jesus as your personal saviour, who died at the cross for you and resurrected on the third day and ascended to heaven where he is seated at the right hand side of the father, and God. You note that during the day of Pentecost all peoiples of the world were present. Every nation of the earth was represented and therefore you have no reason whatsoever not to accept this landmark message. Time is of essence, and you do not need to postpone accepting Jesus for you never know, you may never get a chance to do so.
Please welcome Jesus Christ into your heart for tomorrow may never come. God bless you as you allow God to search your heart to see if there is anything that could hinder you from attaining eternal kingdom (Psalms 139:23,24)
You have good news reader! God has set before you an open door, and no man can shut it. He will listen to you whenever you pray to Him and will answer your prayers. Talk to Him today and you receive His miraculous power. ( Revelation 3:8,18, Jeremiah 29:11-12, Isaiah 50:1,2).
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