Apostle William Kipyegon Arap Korir; visit five (5) countries in Europe, namely, Holland, Austria, Switzerland, Ukraine and Romania. The first two countries were transit countries, but nonetheless the Apostle set foot in those countries.
Apostle in the company of two of his colleagues, David and Phillip, were on a foreign mission to the European Countries. The tour took place between 19th March 2008 and 27th March 2008. The Apostle got the opportunity to interact with high level ranking Presidents of various firms/factories. The Apostle got a chance to witness the mighty works of Jehovah God throughout the trip. What is evident is the fact that there is enormous task required to spread the gospel to all peoples of the world.

These countries needs Christ more than anything else. Evangelist are required to visit these countries to spread the gospel. You will be suprised to note that very few people have had a chance to know about the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Who will visit this nations and feed them with the Word of God? We need young evangelist to learn the languages of these nations and go out there to take the Word of God. Evangelists particular in Kenya, are scrambling to spread the gospel, but as the Bible say, the harvest is ready but the workers are few is true to the letter. As you Pray always, remember the people of these nations for the Holy Spirit to move mightily among the Russians, Ukraineians, Swiss, Austrians and so on and so forth, and lead them to Jesus Christ. How can they know about the risen Christ unless someone told them?
In the year December 2002, The Apostle visited Calcutta in India and certainly saw a continent in need of Jesus Christ. Calcutta (now known as Kolkata) City has a population of over 30 million people. The whole country has an estimated 3 billion people.

The Christians in this country are very very negligibal in number. The Church has to do alot to take the message to this wonderful land full of wonderful people. With the modern technolology, it is now possible to convert the articles in our Website into Hindi language, therefore reaching to many audience. We welcome all readers from all works of life visiting our web site to forward the artilcles to their friends and hence be blessed with the Word of God.
It is said that Kenya constitutes 80% of Christians and the 20% is made up of other religions. Kenya has about 30 million people and is about the same size of population in the City of Calcutta. Yet india as a whole Country has less than 1% of Christians out of the total population.

Hope Ministries World(HMW), has already lounged a Website, where it would spread the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to all parts of the world. The Apostle took the opportunity to introduce many to this website, while at the "President Hotel" in Kieve, the Capital City of Ukraine.
Please mail this page to your friends and ask them to do the same.
God will bless you abundantly by doing so.
Postle William Kipyegon Arap Korir
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