The writer of this article is the Pastor of Hope & Liberty Worship Centre – Donholm, Nairobi. He is also the overseer of Hope & Liberty Worship Ministries in Kenya. He and his beloved wife, Jane M Khaemba have been blessed with four wonderful children namely, Nixon,Nancy,Lillian and Robert.
Pstr.C. S. Khaemba

Jesus Christ had forewarned his desciples before his ascension to heaven that in the last days, there would be tribulations all over the world. When we look around us today we witness clear evidence of what Jesus Christ said would happen. In these last days Satan has steped up its onslaught against humanity and in particular the children of God. Christians need to turn to God as their only hope, and should pray and fast in earnest for God’s mercies so as for them to overcome their life challenges.
We all struggle in prayer in four areas and sometimes we do not know what to pray for and how to pray. There could be urgent needs that we need to pray for however we fail to do so because we are un-aware of them. There are issues we know that require God's intervention through prayer but we do not know how to pray for them.
This is because we may not know God's will regarding the matter and morever we may pray with wrong motives or lack motivation to pray for others. It is basically upon the foregoing background information that we need God's help by His Holy Spirit in order to be effective in prayer. We need an ally, a helper, in the person of the Holy Spirit to help us to be relevant and effective in our prayers.
Our part in this important spiritual task is to yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to accurately interpret our prayers to God.
The Bible in the book of Romans 8:26 - 27 reavels five (5) ways the Holy Spirit can help us:
· He makes intercession for us by filling us with His power and presence and prayers through us. This may take speaking in known language (speaking in toungues), but in either case, the Holy Spirit prompts, motivates, and directs the prayer. He prays through us.
· The Holy Spirit, praying through us will do so with groans which words can not express. In essence, the Holy Spirit will pray through us using words which He inspires and effectively speak to God in expressions of His own creation.
· He searches our hearts and reveals the motives thereof and purifies us through His sanctifying power (Romans 8:5). As we yield and respond to His sanctifying power, our hearts are therefore cleansed from our impure ways and evil motives, thus paving the way for our prayers to be answered .
· He knows the mind of the Spirit and will therefore inspire us to pray according to the perfect will of God.
· As we pray in the Spirit who knows God’s perfect will we pray according to His will and are assured of God’s answers. In John chapter 5:14 –15, the Bible teaches that God hears and answers prayers that are made in accordance to His will.
· Besides, a believer, who prays in the Spirit doing so with great power and effectiveness, there are three blessings that the believer will experience in his/her own personal life, namely;
§ He/She will be edified (I Corinthians 14:4)
§ His/Her faith will grow (Jude 20-21)
§ He is kept in the love of God (Romans 5:5)
It is important therefore for all christians to pray in the Spirit on all occassions for all kinds of prayers and requests being submitted to the Holy father and our God through Jesus Christ our Lord (Ephesians 6:18).
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