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By Apostle William Korir
Mr.Joshua Nong'leti Koromboi and His Wife Agnes Simayo Nong'leti were blessed with three wonderful children.Agnes Simayo Nongleti was born in 1965 and married Joshua in 1983. Her original home was located near the present Kitengela township. During her days as a child, she used to graze her fathers cows and goats at the expansive Kitengela plains. The stone buildings now littering the town were no where. However, there was a little Kiosk which used to sell items to the locals. She said it is unbelievable to note the rate at which the town was growing.

She met her husband Mr Koromboi in the church where she had been attending since she was age 12 and after courting him for a few months they wedded at their Maisai tradition wedding in 1983. The family has been blessed with three children, two elderly girls and one boy now aged 11 years. Their first born was born in 1985 and the second born came in 1987. After getting the girls she unable to conceive for many years and hopped from one hospital to another. The doctors told her that she was not going to bear children again due to blockage in her fellopian tubes and her inflated veins in her legs.
According to the Masai tradition, a woman who has not given birth to a baby boy is viewed to have led down the society and usually men were encouraged to remarry. She was not happy to be in that state as even other women treated her with contempt.
One day,a white man Pastor came to their locality, to a place called Olturuto which was about five kilometres fromher home to preach and thereafter he made altar calls to the congregation to go forward to be prayed fro. He told them to make their submissions for their prayer request for God to bless them and get saved. Many people went forward in response of the altar call and requetsed to be blessed with many cows, goats and all the requirments they desired.
Mrs koromboi desired very much to have a baby boy, but she feared the intepretor who happens to be the agemate of her father.
A voice inside her discouraged her so much from going to the front and reminded her how the intepretor would feel the moment he hears her ask the white man for a baby.
God provided a good opportunity for her and she rushed to the front that is when the man went out to relieve himself. She gathered enough courage and walked briskly to the front. She spoke to the white man and told him of her wish – to have a baby boy. The white man looked at her with pity and inquired from her if she was comfortable from him to touch her belly and she replied to the affirmative. The Pastor prayed for her and told her thereafer thank the Lord Jesus for blessing her and expect to be blessed with a baby boy.
She conceived shortly after and despite her swollen veins she was able to safely give birth to a bouncing baby boy. She was so greatful and overwhelmed with joy and she praised God in abundance. Shenamed the child "God bless" Koromboi Nongleti.
Many people had told her she would not get a child again. Even doctors had authoritatively cofirmed to her, that she was not going bear any children again, but they were all proved wrong when the Lord God Blessed her.All things are possible with God. Her first born is a 3rd year in the school of Law Nairobi.
Agness Simayo is happy that many women in their region have now joined the church and they pray and fast for God to bless them with abundance.
She encourage all Masai women and all women in general to trust upon the Lord to overcome the challenges in their homes. She said, they should learn to place their hopes on the Lord Jesus Christ and wait upon Him, while going down in their knees to pray for their families in order to receive enormous blessings. She said with the Lord all is possible and the Lord do not change for He keeps His word regard His promise to Bless His children. As God’s Children we are bound to be blessed, when we entrust our lives to Him. So Women, you are all encouraged to remain steadfast and worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth.
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