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By Apostle William
The man named Abraham bore Isaac at his old age and who also bore two sons named Esau and Jacob.
God chose Jacob and named him Israel and he was to be the father of the children of Israel. Jacob was blessed with twelve (12) sons, all born at Pardan Aram, namely;
1st wife – Leah:
Reuben (See a son – vs. 25:20-27- 32)
Simeon – (vs.33)
Levi – (Attached – vs. 34)
Juda – (Praise – vs. 35)
Issachar – (wages – vs. 18)
Zebulun – (dwelling – vs. 20)
Dinah - (Judgement – vs. 21)
Leah’s maid - Zilpah:
2nd – wife – Rachel:
Joseph – (will add – vs. 24)
Rachel’s maid – Bilha:
The twelve tribes of Israel came up from the twelve sons of Jacob. Of these twelve tribes Joseph and Simeon were not named. Joseph’s two sons were taken up instead and added to the tribes (Deut. 33:1-29). The twelve 12 tribes of Israel constitute the children born to Jacob by his two wives (Leah and Rachel and two sons each born by Zilpha and Bilha as follows: -
The Bible in the book of judges says, there was a certain man of Zorah of the family of Danites named Manoah and whose wife was barren. The Angel of the Lord came to her and informed her that even though she was barren, she was going to conceive a child (Judge 13:1-3). The woman bore a son and he named him Samson, and the Lord blessed the child, and the Spirit of the Lord began to move him (Judges 13:24,25).
Samson was to be the arm of God in restoring peace in the land freeing the people from being under the yoke of the Philistines.
The young man grew and was soon mingling with the philistines. He fell in love with a philistine girl from Timna and when the parents reprimanded him, he insisted that he should marry her. This was God’s plan for Samson to get an opportunity to punish the Philistines. (Judges 14:1-4).
After marrying the Timnite girl Samson left her behind and went back to his home. After a time he came back to his wife only to find his father had married her off, thinking Samson didn’t like her. Samson was so furious on learning about the event and caught three hundred foxes and tied them in twos, and put fire brands between the two tails and released the foxes who headed for the ready for harvest wheat plantations. The wheat fields burned down and when the owners carried out the investigations they were told it was Samson. They went to His father in –laws house and burned them with Samson’s wife. Judge 15:1-20.
The Bible says Samson later went into a house of a harlot who lived in Gaza and at night the Philistine way laid him. At night Samson woke up and pulled up a gate and carried up to some hill (Judge 16).
Later Samson met Delilah and felled in love. The philistines came to Delilah and plotted to know the source of Samson power. Samson was drank with love for Delilah. She kept insisting that he tell her his source of power as prove for his power. Each time Samson did not tell her the truth and it was obvious his life was in danger, however; he still did not even try to find why Delilah got upset whenever the plan failed and the Philistine actually appeared in the scene.
The poor man of God failed to reason why the woman kept pestering over knowing the truth of the source of his power. The woman got upset and kept crying for hours until the man was fooled and gave up all he had. He told the secret of his power and brought ruin to himself (Judges 16:1-18). Delilah saw that Samson had told him the truth and she betrayed him into the hands of her people.
Jesus urges his followers to have wisdom. It is important to look upon the Lord and allow him to develop our inner beings to be able to cope with life’s challenges. As Christians, Satan work overtime to design ways of bringing down God’s people. Take heart whenever challenges come your way, do not give up but rather move on.
God is ever present to fight a good fight for you.
The poor man of God was shaved, and his eyes put out and made to grind heart flour for the Philistines for the rest of his time. When we submit to the flesh we are made to serve in the garden of Satan. Chose today to serve in the Lord’s vineyard.
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