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"Pastor Meshack who was brought up in a Muslim background shared the following powerful testimony, which touched me so much. I felt I should share it with you so that in case you are going through a similar situation as he did; you will be encouraged and assured that God's grace and everlasting love follows you all the days of your life and that you should give him a chance to transform your life for eternal Kingdom".Meanwhile Shadrack has requested for his church to be affiliated to Hope Ministries World
My names are Meshack Rajab Salumu, ‘am a born again. I ‘am married to Esther Kanzo Salumu and we have been blessed with a beautiful daughter called Limiere Salum, Limiere means light.
I was born in 1982 at Beni in East of Congo from the Zimba tribe. I was brought up in a Muslim background and taught all the teachings of Muslim.
Throughout my child hood I had never eaten meat because I was allergic and each time I tried my body would swell. My parents tried all means but to no avail. My grandma from my father’s side was a medicine woman and even though she tried to treat me, she failed to heal me. One day a certain woman approached my mother and told her that if she wanted me to heal, she should give me a cooked piece of meat and the instruction was that I was to go to pit toilet and deep my nose at the manhole and inhale the bad smell emanating from the bit before chewing the roast meet. My mother was disparate and she willingly obliged but after going through the stressful ritual, my state worsened.
My father came to Kenya some times in 1998 to carry out business and settled at Shauri Moyo in Nairobi Kenya. I made friends to some two Rwandees who had sought refuge in Kenya and they lived with others at the Baptist church Shauri Moyo. I used to interact quite a lot with them. One day I narrated to them of my allergy and one of them advised me to meet an a Pastor at the Baptist church who had come from Tanzania and request him to pray for me. I did and after narrating to him my state, he declared loudly, IN THE NAME OF JESUS YOU CAN EAT MEAT NOW. I went but I was sceptical of being healed. I later graved for meat and when I ate meat, there was no allergy reaction … I was healed. I told my parents what Jesus had done to me but they reacted negatively. I kept attending crusades in the area and that week I accepted Jesus into my life.
My parents learned of my new found faith and this was to be the beginning of persecution which I went through for two years. I was send a way from home and lived in the neighbourhood as vagabond. I moved from one house to the other and when all of got gave up on me I became a street urchin, and lived on handouts from well-wishers, even though I was less than a kilometre from my Parents who had sent me away.
Some kind Rwandees employed me as a house boy but unfortunately my parents found out and started to threaten the person and ordered him to send me a way. My parents wanted me thrown out so that I could suffer and submit to their will by abandoning Christianity.

The Rwandees later shifted to a house three kilometres a way and I relocated with him. After one month my parents also moved into the next flat and life became unbearable. The Rwandees finally gave up and left for his country. My Mother tricked me by saying that my father had accepted me back and he would allow me to go to Christian church. On the contrary she had told my father that I had accepted to revert to Muslim church. I was reunited to my parents and on Sunday I took my Bible and announced loudly that I was going to church. The reaction of my father surprised me as I thought mum had been sincere with me. My father threatened to throw me out of the house if I continue associating with Christians. I had gone through much suffering and pain. For two years I had suffered tremendously and the situation was unbearable. My hurt sank when I heard of my going back to suffering. I was bleeding inside and I prayed to God to touch my parents to let me go to church. There wasn’t much I could do and after so many struggles I gave in and submitted. My father was so happy; he gave me a lot of money. He even took me to assist him in his flourishing business. After one year, he send me to Mombasa; a City situated about 500 kilometres away to go and run his branch business there. Mombasa is the hub of Muslim in Kenya; I believe my father was happy to send me there for he new I would have less influence from Christianity. After sometime the business flourished and I got a lot of Money. Then I started to enjoy life; I went to night clubs had good time with women. I took drugs and eventually indulged in all sorts of bad behaviour.
I contracted all types of STDS; and one day I went to a doctor and after analysing my blood samples; I was diagnosed to be HIV positive. With this I did not stop my bad habit but I went on to indulge in adulterous behaviour. Satan wanted to kill me and I survived several fatal accidents one of which involved an oil tanker. God was merciful to me for he preserved me throughout the ordeal that I went through at Mombasa. One day my father came to visit his business and he was surprised to find out that I was terribly spoilt. He took me back to Nairobi and I was never allowed to go near his business. The parents used to lock me out of the house and would stay out until they come back at noon for lunch and whenever they were not in the house I spend my time outside. I was used to a certain life; I was used to money and so I graved for drugs and women but I had no money.
I soon made friends with some idlers in the estate and I started to steal things like clothes left to dry by neighbours. I could pick anything left carelessly and sell it cheaply to make some little money. I was arrested several times and released. One day some serious robbers came and broke into a neighbour’s house and stole some valuable goods. I was the prime suspect, even though I wasn’t involved in this one, and I was dragged and thrown into the cells. I had terrible sours in my body and all clear indicators of advanced AIDS infection. I was scratching my skin which had terrible deep sours in my body.
One day I heard a voice which kept asking to go to the church and get saved. The voice told me that the disease I had was something small and that he would heal me.
I ignored the voice but it was deafening. It was so loud as if some one was shouting from the outside. I was in desperate need of money and Satan used this channel to drive me into sin. The voice told me to go to church and he would give me some money.
No matter where I went the voice was persistent and forceful, until one morning I decided to go to church. I felt so refreshed and on my way I would picked on the road money such Kshs. 200.00 (US$.2.50). The Holy Spirit did wonders in me and I finally accepted Jesus and went to church. This again constrained my relationship with my parents who send me out of home but God opened ways and I was introduced to a Bishop in the neighbourhood who trained me and ordained me as a Pastor. The day I accepted Jesus my skin decease disappeared and was fully restored. I started to regain my health and as I was anxious I went to a VCT Clinic in the neighbourhood to be tested and I was HIV negative. The Voice I heard had told me I was going to heal and PRAISE THE LORD! For as I speak I was healed the moment I accepted Jesus.
I later met my beloved wife Esther who was from another church and we later tight a note. We have been blessed with a beautiful daughter whom I love most.
I received a calling from God to start a Ministry whose goal is; to preach the gospel and win souls to the Kingdom of God and prepare the church for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Our immediate objectives are;
- Secure a plot to build a Sanctuary for our Worship.
- Built homes for the neglected members of the society with the available resources within our reach.
- Create conducive environment and encourage members to engage in rewarding activities according to God’s will and blessing.
I responded to God’s call and started the ministry and though it is still young, it is growing gradually.
I wish to invite you to accept Jesus today as your personal Saviour.

I was a very bad man whom my parents had rejected and everyone who saw me disliked me. But you know what? God changed me and gave me a second chance to live so as to serve him. He can do the same to you to day. God loves sinners more and no matter how low and how deep you have indulged in sinful ways God calls you every other day to come to him to be saved. Once again I welcome you to allow Jesus into your heart to transform your life. My dear reader, I lead a joyous life in Jesus name; please therefore do not hesitate. Accept Jesus NOW! He is knocking at the door of your heart, please allow him in.
Welcome to God’s family!
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