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You and you alone will choose your destiny. God created man and placed him on planet earth to live happily and enjoy the fruits of the garden for food.
God had also made creatures called Angels as servants to administer to God and mankind. The angels could outnumber human beings. They move from heaven and earth carrying out God’s business. The leader of the heavenly Angels named Lucifer (bright morning star) rebelled against God and brought himself ruin together with his followers who numbered 1/3rd of the heavenly hosts. The rebel Angels were send away from heaven and they wondered in the universe, until the first man called Adam and his wife eve welcomed them to planet earth and allowed them to take over leadership and which has culminated in pain and suffering of the entire earth. In the beginning it was not so, life was supposed to be smooth and enjoyable as all creation worked in harmony.

There was no suffering, pain, hate and regret, life was sweet and enjoyable.
God’s plan for mankind is dynamic and demands our positive response. We ought to submit to God with all our hearts to allow him to change us according to his will. It was for this reason for the greater love for mankind that he offered Jesus Christ who willingly agreed to die at the cross in order to redeem the fallen man. There is therefore no more condemnation to them who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the spirit (Rom. 8:1).
We ought to do that which is good all the time (3 John 1:15).
There are strong forces of darkness who consistently oppose the work of God. Satan and his agents of doom the demons, assemble to cause chaos throughout the whole world, bringing pain and suffering to mankind and then blame it on God.
Satan the master planner is engaged in evil to bring down humanity 24 hours 7 days a week. His is to spread lies, hatred, tempt with a view to misleading those he perceive to be serving God. Even in the churches, the devil creates confusion and lulls the worshippers into sleep so as not to follow the church proceedings. The devil has master plan to distort God’s plan for mankind. His main target is the follows of Jesus Christ, which he aims to make them fall and fail to enter eternal Kingdom. Once they fall, he assigns his demons to continue leading them into destruction through careless life and sometimes while in it kill them through accidents or witchcraft. Satan has so dwarfed the thinking of today’s man to the point that they lack vision.
God calls upon all mankind to turn away from their sinful ways and follow God the eternal father. God says if you search for him with all your heart and with all your soul, he is faithful, and he will listen to you and answer your request.

God has set an open door which no one can shut, he knows that you have a little strength and he will help you to overcome your challenges. (Revelation 3:8).
May God bless you as you as you take a bold step and follow him throughout your life.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever loves him should not perish but have everlasting life. He did not sent Jesus into this world to condemn the world but through him the world could be saved (John 3:16).
Remember God warned Adam that the day he eat of the forbidden fruit he would surely die.
Satan came from the back door and promised life and resemblance of God, should they eat the fruits of the forbidden tree.
Satan misrepresented God and led Adam and Eve to fall and brought pain and suffering in the whole earth.
God gave us Jesus and took away the punishment of sin which was meant for us and gave us eternal life. At the Cross God reconciled the world to himself and therefore set free all mankind from the original sin. Satan will no longer accuse God’s children for they are now free.
There is therefore only two ways - the narrow way that leads to heaven and the broader way that leads to eternal death.
You can choose your destiny. You have only two options - to choose to follow God or chose to follow Satan and be lost.
The choice is yours.
Dear heavenly father, I have learnt that you loved me before I was born. I have also learnt that you have given two ways,
one that takes people to heaven and one that leads to everlasting fire in hell!
Please Lord, I want to chose to live, but I know oh Lord, that I have lots of challenges ahead of me. I ask you God to enter into my heart and transform me so as to conform to the divine attributes.
Thank you God for blessing me in the name of Jesus...AMEN!

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