Tuesday, June 16, 2009


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By Apostle William K Korir, Apostle 

William K Korir,visited Kedowa on Sunday 14th June 2008 to plant the church. This is in line with Jesus call for his apostles take the end time message to the world. During the service many accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour and would start Bible study which would lead to their Baptismal during the official lounge of the church projected to take place in two months time. Apostle William and his entourage graced the days occasion with pomp. A young man who have suffered epilepsy for 14 years was prayed for and delivered in the name of Jesus. The church is currently housed in a temporary shelter which has been leased at a rental fee of USD.10.00 (Kes. 700.00)per month. A piece of land would be procured as soon as the funds are available at a rate of US$. 4,000.00. We trust in the Lord that we shall receive the funds to buy church plot.God will provide a way where there seems to be no way. Apostle William pose for a photo with the ladies. Planting this branch is part of the Ministries extensive compaign for lanting churches all over Kenya in the next five years. The other branches to be planted soon includes the following: a)Kapenguria, b) Chepkechei, c) Litein, d) Lotokitok, e) Makueni (Wote) HOPE MINISTRIES WORLD IS TODAY'S VOICE OF HOPE TO THE WORLD. WE URGE PEOPLE TO COME TO JESUS AND RENEW THEIR RELATIONSHIPS WITH GOD! IT IS TIME THE WORLD TURN BACK TO GOD OUR SOURCE OF HOPE.

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