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I want you to make a vow in the name of the Lord the God of heaven and earth, that you will not choose a wife for my son from the people here in Canaan. You must go back to the country where I was born and get a son for my son Isaac from from among my relatives (Genesis 24:3-5).
Today youths inter-marry across the globe in large numbers and this position has been exacerbated by the increased use of internet throughout the world bringing the planet earth closer thus becoming a global village. More and more people have continued to engage in relationships; thousands of kilometres away from their locations. The relationships between the youths from communities other than their own have increased tremendously in the recent past. The youth face challenges on how to pass the message to their immediate familly members. In Africa for example the extended family members have a say when it comes to decision making on who to marry their daughter
a young woman weds.
It is usually very difficult for the youth to convince their parents to allow them to marry women of their choice. Most ethnic groups especially in African have lengthy procedures prior to entering into engagements. In Kenya for example many youths take a short cut and cohabits with a girl ("come-we-stay"-CWS) as husband and wife without formally exchanging marriage vows. The parents are notified of the marriage after one or two children have been born. Parents are usually driven by fear for the security of their children when married off to persons from unfamiliar backgrounds and customs. Parents become more cautious to ensure the safety of heir daughters. Their actions are due to their love for their children and there desire for them to lead a good life in their marriage. They fear to marrying off their children to members of other tribes. This position may have been exacerbated basically by the hostilities and animosity between tribes - fuelled by reckless utterances by the politicians. Abraham a man of God feared too when he realised that his son Isaac would get married after he passed on. His conscience was clear and he did not entertain the idea of letting his one and only son to marry the daughters of Canaan, for fear of being led into idolatry.
The matter was so serious that he had to allow a servant to hold his thighs and make a vow to him, swearing to fulfil the promise. The vow was so serious that it had to be fulfilled under the circumstances without fail.
In our modern world where hatred is the order of the day, love is put in jeopardy, as many young hearts are put to test and are left not knowing what to do. In Kenya there was post election violence and many innocent people lost their dear ones, A Kenyan Woman and and huge properties. During the period many people dropped from grace to grass, while others plummeted from the chambers of Heroes to zero.

The scars in their faces will forever be a reminder to the affected persons of what they were inflicted on them during the skirmishes. They may forgive outwardly but deep inside their hearts hatred simmers against those who subjected them to pain, will be with them for several years down the century. Without God it would be impossible to forgive. I recently witnessed a wonderful Kenyan who received Salvation of JESUS CHRIST and as a demonstration of God's love born on his heart; he declared in public under the full glare of the electronic media, saying " ...I have accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour and I have now forgiven my enemies the Kalenjins..." He then surrendered a home made gun to the Priest.
The Lord God created a perfect man in his own image. It is still God's intention to date to have one people called God's children I John 3:1..).
Rachel (not her real name) a devoted Christian approached me and sought counsel on whether she should accept to be given into marriage to a young man whom she loved so dearly and were in a relationship. It is important to note that people entering into relationships do so out of love and not for gratifying the "tribe". God encourages people of like mind and faith to enter into holy marriage. It is highly recommended for people of close intellectual and academic standing to enter into relationships that leads to marriage, for example a Professor should avoid marrying someone who never went to school at all. He/She should look for a person of equal or closer academics status. I know of a couple who had a huge disparity in their academic standing, whose marriage could not work, hence they wee dissolved in court. They lived happily for a few years and then the man became uncomfortable and suffered inferiority complexity. He could anything to prove his worth and he soon engaged in fraudulent activities was laid off by the employer when his malpractices was discovered.
This is necessary for smooth coexistence and to avoid embarrassments brought about by mismatch in status of life. Love will flourish in a conducive environment; where harmony reigns.
Christians who fall in love with friends from tribes perceived to be enemies should seriously seek God's intervention and guidance. All families are built on firm foundation and in order for it to succeed; family support,church Pastors, members should be enlisted. When those intending to marry goes down in their knees;and pray and fast - God will provide a way where there seems to be no way.
If it is God's plan that a Kikuyu girl would marry a Kalenjin; then no amount of opposition would stop the process from being fulfilled and vise versa.
If you are looking forward for a Holy Marriage, Christians should seek God in her hearts and present their matter to their parents to enlist their support so as to secure their concurrence for the relationship to flourish.
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