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In the beginning the earth was without form; and water had filled the earth. There was no life in water filled earth!. The Spirit of God hovered over the water. Then God commenced his work of creation and on the sixth day God created man and wife and placed them in the garden of Eden and Blessed them to multiply and fill the ends of the earth. The said Eden was somewhere near Iraq; the Archaelogists have confirmed this facts... (Genesis 1,2.
This therefore means that in the beginning the present world was full of emptiness and only one couple; the family of Adam existed who lived in the gaden of Eden. For many years people started to multiply and eventually they increased in number. People turned away from worshipping God,they committed terrible sins. God's was displeased with them and His wrath burned against them. God saw a righteous man named Noah and appointed him to carry out the task of spreading the gospel; calling people to repentance and enter the ark; to be saved from imminent destruction, occassioned by the flood. Non of the people of those days received Noah's message and all perished in the flood except Adam, his wife and his three sons and their wives. This phenomenon is so sad, for Jesus repeated the same message saying, in the last days - people will be worse than the days of Now, for people will reject God's message.
The origins of the present generation dates back to the time of Noah. From one man -Noah we now have an estimated world population of 8 billion. It is said five (5) children are born throughout the world in one second out of which three (3) people die each second. All nations; Dark skin, white, indians etc, etc has their origin traced to ADAM AND EVE.
The people of Kenya (known and unknown)trace their origin to Eden and their first parents were Adam and Eve. God had blessed Adama and Eve to multiply and fill the earth, and Kenya bear testimony ti this fact.
The House of Mumbi - the Agikuyu who live at the slopes of Mount Kenya, and the larger fraternity spread throughout the Country and the Kalenjins according to their numbers - this message I specifically present it to you. Some historians suggested that the Kalenjins were the first to settle at slopes of the mount Kenya - (originates from a misprouncation of Kirinyagah)in the period around 1100A.D. It is said these Kalenjins were joined by the Agikuyu people shortly and the two groups cohabited with each other for 50 years. The two tribes lived in harmony with each other and intermarried. Throughout the generations these people respected each other and maintained good neigbourliness, until the white people came to colonise the territory. For them to succeed in ruling over them; they employed some selfish tactics which created suspecion amongs the tribes as a means of dividing them and achieve easy misrule. When the country gained independence in 1963 the relationship had fragmented alot. The poisoned relationship has been growing wider and wider throughout the generations and it is reaching explosive levels.
I wish to declare at this juncture that Every Kenyan has aright to live full life! Every Kenyan has a right to live anywhere; anytime; and free movement throughout the land. All Kenyans are one people (Brothers and Sisters) - and no one should intimated any one or cause fear. God is for us all!
The bible says that whoever hates his fellow being is a murderer! So whether you actually kill or merely hate; both cases are treated as same.
Recently; I was deeply touched by a confession of a young man from Molo of Kikuyu tribe. He public confessed his repentance and surrendered a home made gun. What touched me most is his revelation that ... " I have today forgiven my enemies the Kalenjins".
The statement made by the gentleman was so powerful! our neighbours should hear it and many more from the Kalenjinside and Kikuyu side should come out to declare their position of forgiveness. Indeed had we a serious print media - this words should have captured the headlines. Because ......... Because this person was leading in preaching reconcilation. The person should have also been given a certificate of recognition and followup action be put in place to encourage more to work towards reconciliation.
Jesus said love and forgive your enemies. If we all embrace Jesus spirit, then we shall have no enemies.
To Kalenjins - Please Love your fellow Kenyans the Kikuyus and lets talk good of them. Let's share with them what we have - Lets iteract with them for we are all Adams sons and daughters! Lets teach our children as they grow to respect all peoples irrespective of their origins. You may have been hurt by their actions or what they say about you, but learn to forgive and love!
To Kikuyus - Please Love your fellow Kenyans the Kalenjins no matter how much you hate them. Another friend of mine - Pastor Kamau cited with a light touch - " .. During clashes we looked around in our village even for one Kalenjin house, for us burn it down, but we did not find one!..." Lets not habour hatred - for the vangeance is for God. Let us all invest in peace making and bonding together as a sign of courage to move Kenya forward. It is primitive to continue squabbling year after year. We should all start working hard and talking less. Lets spend valuable time to develope this Christian Nation to reflect God's will for all of us. When we fight, everything goes wrong - nobody wins. We are all losers and the scars are still strayed in the IDP Camps todate. Nobody wins - our conscience charge us every day. Kalenjins - Kikuyus; respect one another and things in your lives will never be the same. Maximise your wisdom for both your benefit. Guard your toungues - to only let out healing words. Say no to recurrance of the shameful deeds which occurred recently for God is not pleased at all. The current draught and widespread starvation is a living testimony. Turn to God and he will never forsake you. God is Love and He loves all equally. Invest in destroying the partitions, between you and allow for life in harmony. Both of you are fearfully and wonderfully made - by and for GOD! I LOVE YOU ALL IN JESUS NAME - AMEN!

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