Tuesday, November 30, 2010


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By Apostle William K Korir, 

 The Apostles of Jesus continued to face the wrath of the administration. The King was directly involved in the atrocities against the followers of Jesus. King Herod had James the brother of John put to death and when he saw that the Jews were pleased with his action, he sent sixteen of his guards to arrest Peter and put to jail. The King intended to put Peter to trial after the Passover festivities. The people of the church were praying eanestly in the home of Mary the mother of John Mark,for God to intervene in their behave. They pleaded to God to give them his mercies, and the good Lord asnwered their prayers. God dispatched a mighty angel from heaven who went direct to the prison and released Peter dispite having been sandwitched between the Roman guards. Peter went that night to meet the church people who were praying for him and told them that God had sent an angel to free him after which he departed to another place. When the King was informed of the diasppearance of Peter from prison, he ordered for a thourough search, but they were unable to trace him, so the king ordered for the gurads who failed their duty to be put to death. King Herod left Judea to spent some time in Caesarea and while there he blasphemed God and he was struck by an angel for not giving honour to God and he was eaten by worms and he died. The WORD of God continued to spread and grow. (Acts 12:24). The Word of God will spread irrespective of the opposing forces of the devil. The Word shall reach the reached. HOPE MINISTRIES WORLD IS TODAY'S VOICE OF HOPE TO THE WORLD. JESUS INVITES YOU NOW TO REPENT FROM ALL YOUR SINS AND TURN AWAY FROM COMMITTING SINS AND RENEW YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH GOD! IT IS TIME EVERYONE IN THE WORLD TURN AWAY FROM LIVING IN SINFUL WAYS AND WORSHIP GOD THE CREATOR OF HEAVENS, EARTH, THE SEA AND ALL THE CREATURES. TURN TO GOD AND LIVE!

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