On the sixth day of creation week God made Man on his own image according to his likeness. God took soil and formed man, but he was lifeless. Then God breathed a life giving spirit and the Man became conscious. The life giving spirit is a living being and he is the inner Man. The outer Man is the physical body that aid the inner Man communicate with the outer world.
Man disobeyed God and fell and were cast out of the Garden of Eden and a Cherub placed in the Garden to protect the tree of life so that he would not approach the tree and it of its fruits and live for ever in sinful life.
God made a promise of salvation for mankind when he proclaimed that the Seed of the Woman and the seed of the serpent would bruise each other. We know for sure that women has no Seed in them but men. So what did God refer to when he said the SEED OF EVE would bruise the seed of the serpent? Virgin Mary engaged to Joseph were to conceive miraculous and have child and would name him Jesus because he will save the world. These were the angels words.
When Adam and eve ate the forbidden fruit they committed serious sin and were separated from God. They were no longer meeting with God on daily basis in the evening hours. They were send away to till land outside Eden. Their inner man no longer please God as it was sinful. it was no longer holy and was bound to die. A saviour was to come and die for them (John 3:16) for the saving of mankind.
At the cross Jesus died and all human beings were inside him and died with Jesus and resurrected with him therefore reversing the works and intentions of Satan, Any person accepting Jesus is made a child of God. The inner man received from Adam is removed and a new spirit man is given to the convert and instantly becomes a new person. The new man (inner spirit) from the second Adam (Jesus) never dies and never commit sin (I John 3:9).
The inner man in believers are in fact hidden in God together with Jesus (Colossians 3:1-3).
This inner man is in believers those righteous Children of God.
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