Thursday, January 24, 2008


Adam was directed the type of fruits he was allowed to eat for food. He in turn directed his wife Eve of God's instructions. They were to live happily as long as they obey God's instructions. Satan visited them in the form of a seemingly harmless snake. The snake engaged eve into a heated debate over whether to or not to eat the fruit, and finally and slyly convinced her. Unlike what some other denominations asserts, this were real fruits of a forbideen tree. Not a hidden language citing fornication or adultery. In genesis God spoke told the couple to multiply and fill the earth. Sexual interaction between Adam and Eve was blessed by God and therefore it was not a sin.

Eve ate the forbiden fruit and took some to Adam who also ate. God had instructed Adam not to eat of the forbiden tree and Adam had communicated the instruction to his beloved wife. We are not told in the bible why Adam ate the fruit........ but it is only safe to assume that Adam loved his wife dearly and he didn't want God take Eve's life and leave him alone. God had told him the day you will eat of the forbiden fruit you will surely die. So Adam knew his wife whom he dearly loved would surely die. He started wondering how he would stay in that garden without her. Adam was in deep pain to think Eve would be removed from him for ever, so he decided that he rather be punished with her than to remain alone. To show his deep love to his wife he chose to disobey God and hence ate the forbidden fruit.

Throughtheir disobedience God cursed the world and thirtsle and thorns sprouted and filled the earth. Poisonous plants also came up and Adam was told he swaet in order to eat.

God still loved the world though! (John 3:16), he gave us Jesus to die for fallen mankind and at the cross God puchased us by Jesus blood (II Corinthians 15:17-20). There is therefore no condemnation to them who are in Jesus for they are now the sons of God (Romans 8:1, I John 3:1).

Even though the entire inhabitants of the world were supposed to perish, God gave mankind another chance to live without compromising his set standards. Those who declare Christ as the son of God and his seated at the right handside of God in heaven, are saved.

You can also be saved today if you repent and accept Jesus as your personal savior. Before accending to heaven, he had told his desciples not to be troubled for he was going to prepare a place and when he finish his work he would come back to take His faithful to heaven so that where he is he would be with them. Jesus had given certain signs as indicators of his soon come, the sun getting dark in broad daylight, moon turning red as blood, and the stars falling. All this have taken place. He had said when you witness wars and rumours of war, and nation rising against another nation, advancement of technology, then his coming was soo near. He had sad the end of the world would finally come when the word was preached to the ends of the world. (Mathew 24:1-30).

When you look around there is chaos. There is no peace, in our neighbourhood only hate. Even in churches christian no longer love one another, they are full of hate and maligning. They no longer fear the sacred places (churches) for they commit all sorts of atrocities.

The Clock is ticking as we approach the coming of Jesus. There is no more time waste, we need to retrace our staps if we have backslidden and repent our ways and accept Jesus if we are receiving this message for the first time.

Jesus died in your plac and gave you a free ticket to live. He is creator (John 1:1-14), yet God chose this method to save mankind. You may be having difficulty in undestanding why Jesus died if he is God, but this is the mystery of incarnation. Let us accept Jesus and when he comes he will clearly explain to us why he had to die to save us.

Reader! I have good news for you. God chose you before you were born. He has good plans for you, to prosper you in this last days. Please search him with all your heart and you will find him for he is listening to all your conversation. Try Jesus for He is good. His love endures for ever.

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