Friday, February 8, 2008


As many that know me will tell you, two of my favorite verses are John 10: 28-29 and Psalm 139: 7-10. Picture with these two verses the right hand of Jesus entwined around yours. His grip is unfaltering, unwavering and unshakable. John 10: 28-29 says "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of My Fathers hand." Another verse comes from Psalm 139, perhaps my favorite Psalm. David is saying in verses 7-9 that no matter where he goes God knows where he is. Verse 10 says "even there your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast."
Ever see a show where someone is dangling over a cliffs edge. You see his hand falter and let go. He screams like he is going to fall and the camera pans down to show the incredible distance of the valley below. Then you note that the hand of the rescuer is still gripped solidly around his wrist and pulls him to safety. This is exactly how Jesus and the Father constantly grip you, but with the strength and power of the Almighty creator of the universe. No matter what you do, His grip is rock steady and sure. Even if you wanted to let go and did, His hand still grips yours with His steadfast ever flowing love. Even if you falter and move away from Him. Even when your prayers seem lifeless or your feelings for God seem much less than you know they should be. Even when you start to wonder how strong your feelings were or if you were really even close to God.
Every Christian at one time or another can have these doubts. We all do at one time or another. We feel we are not connecting with God or that He is not listening. Our prayers feel as if they are not even worthy to pray, and the Bible seems lifeless. Scripture just doesn't have the fire it once did. We are all prone to feel this way at times and should expect at sometime to feel this way. It doesn't matter if you belong to a strong church family. Have always prayed faithfully throughout the day and Know within your heart how much you do love God and want to feel His presence in your life.
If we allow our feelings to judge how much God loves us, or whether His grip still holds our hand in His, we are in big trouble and in for some very anxious times. It is exactly at this time that we cannot allow how we feel to become our belief that God feels the same way we do and allow this to govern our fellowship with Jesus. We cannot allow the strength of our love to be a gauge that we use to determine the incredible strength of God's love. If we do, we will fall into a false pit of guilt that we ourselves have dug. Not God! It is exactly at this time that we must remember from the very beginning that God has loved us and held onto to us with such incredible love. So incredible He gave up His son for us and "He who did not spare his own Son, but gave Him up for us all, How will He not also, along with Him graciously give us all things." Rom. 8: 32. The same amazing love that sent Jesus to die for us on the cross, is the same undying love that assures us that He will never let us go. The same amazing love that assures us that God's love is ever flowing, ever present and ever abundant. It is this same love that we need to remember and cease gauging that God's love is based on how we may feel at any given moment.
Just as his right hand enfolds yours and will never let you go, His love also enfolds you and will never let you go. His love is unconditional, total and unwavering. So don't allow your feelings to keep you from the most precious relationship you will ever have. Instead based on His incredible love, reach out with your heart and touch the precious heart of your Savior. There's no greater joy than this. What are you waiting for?

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