We so often pray and feel that we have not been heard. Say to ourselves, Why would God answer me? How can God hear me when so many are praying? Why would He choose to just hear my prayer, answer my prayer? He has many more important things to attend to than to pay attention to me, help me, or care about my troubles.
There are several passages that come to mind to assure you that God not only listens to your prayer but He actually silences heaven to hear your prayers. In reading Rev. 8:1-6; I am in awe, for before hand in opening the six seals there was war, famine, death, earthquakes if you get the picture there is a great deal of disturbance, noise. "When He opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven for about half an hour." There was silence at this time for it was then that the saints prayed. Yes God silenced heaven just to hear the prayers of the saints. Does He hear your prayers. Believe it! He not only hears but heaven is hushed to insure He does. Then if you read further "Then the Angel took the censer filled it with fire from the alter and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake. What an awesome thought, not only does He silence heaven to hear your prayers, but in response to them His answers come in great ways. His answers to your prayers are thunderous and in mighty ways as is thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and earthquakes. Our God is limitless and still in the business of answering prayers in a mighty and magnificent way. He is still in the miracle business and it may be your prayer that He decides is worthy of what he does best and that is knocking your socks off with an answer to your prayer that is as unbelievable as He is believable! Count on it! Better yet, PRAY ON IT!
The second passage I love is Matthew 8:24:26: There is a furious storm and Jesus is sleeping in the boat. The waves are sweeping over the boat, yet Jesus sleeps. There is thunder and lightning, yet Jesus sleeps. It isn't until His disciples come to Him saying " Lord save us we're going to drown," that He awakens. Now picture it. Jesus is being tossed in the boat by huge waves, getting soaked by the waves sweeping over the boat and of course great peals of lightning and thunder. He is sleeping through all of this and doesn't feel it, hear it, and it does not disturb Him. His created planet is roaring, soaking Him, tossing him like a cork, Yet He sleeps! But as soon as the cries of His disciples come to Him, He awakens immediately. He rebukes the storm and it was completely calm.
Oh, Precious child of God, there is nothing that can keep your prayers from Jesus, no distance, no thunderous noise, no task.NOTHING! As soon as you pray everything stops. His ear tilts your way and He hears. He not only hears, He comes running to you. Yes, In a heartbeat! Most of all He does answer prayers, rebukes the storms in your life, ends trials you are facing, takes away your fear, your anxiety, your hopelessness.
Just as I, as a father, want to comfort my child, why should I think my heavenly father will not comfort me? Do I groan when my child comes to me? Say I am too busy? Do not want to hear about their problems? Of course not. So why would you think God who loves you infinitely more would ever groan, be too busy or not want to hear your troubles? You are His child and He loves you so so much, and yes, He loves it when you come to Him in prayer. When you are coming to Him, relying on Him, that is faith, that is what he loves; a heart filled with faith and trust in Him.
So, His whole creation may be in an uproar, but when you pray He hears you, runs to you, and most of all He loves to answer your prayers. He loves to knock your socks off with an answer to your prayer which is beyond anything you dreamed of, but then again He is God and His dream was to always love us. He fulfilled this dream. Christ did die on the cross. Christ was buried. Christ was raised from the dead. Yes we are, You are, being loved by God, continually, completely and forever. Do not doubt it, do not worry about it, Pray! He hears you, nothing can keep Him from that. He will not allow it. He loves it when you pray and He loves you. In fact He loved you to death, now didn't He. His!
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