Women were the first classification of relationship creative order, the crowning glory in fine miraculous appearance, symbolizing qualities of special distinction, where modest liberality brings her beauty satiated in moralization happier refine, The personal original captivity which introduce pain to society, was disguise in sorrowful regrets, indicating the moment conception took place, the meeting of two worlds collided and the dawning of a new realization registered enormous benefits, to mankind, but this foolproof inactivity lay dormant for many centuries, only when severe crises heighten feminism exposure, did our social world in surprise horizontal gaze, saw brief glimpses of the devoted exclusive qualities that a woman indelibly possess, a man looks for certain distinguishable characteristics presented in a warm approachable manner, leading to quizzical fascination and a great sense of humor, men are natural hunters, suspense disguising hidden qualities would be a purposeful anticipation.
A mother a sister a friend
She is a creation of strong diversify character, the most challenging prospect in life, staggered from history intervening proprietor turning pages, with personality swamp in delightful virtues, emblematic magnetizing the captured imagination translucently spellbound by pleasant wit and breathless charm, an enlightenment beacon standing above vast eternity waves in extraordinary assured posture, her heart is a place where dreams eclipses the night, for weaker stars in many eyes to glow deliriously brighter, making dreams fondant memories last a life time and more, history trace the pages of her footsteps with edgy cautiousness, men will die and kingdoms be overturned in spectacular battles for the love of a woman's intriguing intimacy, gambling all for her companionship, with death and fate suspend unbalance, others enter their soul in sacrificial windy bizarre possessions, to share a smile in her vibrant presence, their emotions comes alive with burning sensation rampant hangover.
she is a trustful Confidant, a person who share values and interest, she can make hearts devoured themselves in comical rapture, like a brazen hussy ambushing the carnal mind upon hypnotic destructive path, with drug striking bewilderment, she is the sweetness in men's weakness, no distance is too far that her magical fragrance convalescing breeze can not sweep considerable assistance to frenzy advantage making queues formed consequential purposes, vowing allegiance sealed support, curious angels fall rekindle at her feet, in brilliant blaze of jealous absurdities, she holds sworn discreet confidentiality, her conversation with a close friend are guarded with precision, those who are in trouble with relationship she helps provide quizzical strength in rescuing.
She has a reservoir of kindness, inner conviction of strength and stability, embracing the seasons deepest gloom and resurrecting like a flower renewed, her emotions and sense of pride gives her stable dignity, with unselfish zest relinquishing nobility's faithful inspiring choice, creature comfort, security conscious, praise worthy weeping tribute, fittingly marks her socialite expectancy, possessing the inner most ability of outstanding discretion, discussing relevant important issues and
Making proposals in negotiable matters, With incredibly persuasive strength breaking through with energy of transformation, working endless through regeneration program, often she is the recipient of deteriorating health, but
In stubborn courage uncomplaining vigor wrestling out more hope to travel on giving hero worship a fan blazing obsession gratifying the crave mesmerize
Image reflection that has wooed society's materialistic publishers.
The Wife the Lover
Transforming boredom into romantic wine flowing vintage illusions, amorously conceiving in passionate anguish, birthing children of reproductive freedom, girls adopting their mothers behavior, wittingly uncovering the truthful revelation that Honor is the souvenir of romance, revolutionizing moral complexity, a woman takes on genealogical nightmares in terribly cruel artificial conception, bearing up with psychological damage, frayed nerves leaning upon river lip trembling with annexations, wearing higher heel shoes the outlook business reflective image, auctioning more serious investment, creating the tidal amalgamating throng, but fewer counterpart can recognize her dwindling confidence syndrome, coming from certain section of society still pulling down ladies self esteem, sweeping their character along the floors in compromises, like forgotten accessories, models rubber stamp on the front pages of every magazine, mesmerizing men's soul and drawing them to unknown behavior shores, where in waves of inspirational splash, sentiments dress in revealing designer wear missing buttons fashionable blouse and skirt, seeking popularity from Hollywood status, even upon other Broadways that lies in foreign countries, artistic pens attract inexhaustible ink flow refine restitution dangling sweeter taste suspense from cruel unfaithfulness.
Magnificent endurance the sweetness in our weakness
She owns the domain of alternative family deception, standing bold and brave on the side of the guilty, pushing through child custody case, she embraces true magnificent endurance, of steadfast inner strength, petitioning donors for salvation to others, organizing hen parties, conference coordinator, perfumery drench in lustful captivation, the fragrance finding charm to weaken knees, the measured qualities of a perfect woman are irreplaceable, abounding qualitative, outwardly the conventional family public image embodiment, inwardly the angel in arms, the queen of diamonds, a pearl far more beautiful than gold can purchase, she is called the good lady, by spiritual puritans, she is the indicator of sweetness, the sugar in the tea, the cream in the coffee, the home maker, adventurous delicacies benevolent wife and lover, rouse her tempter and their will be hell to pay, there is nothing more fierce than a woman's scorn, she can be the angel in your arms this morning and the devil in some one else arms tonight. If you deny her place in life you do it to your detriment, humbly enduring the most debase unenthusiastic silent torment in arranged marital dilemma, putting up with torrid abuse, making excuse for the opposite sex unreasonable behavior, tricked by misleading descriptive fraudsters, bless with great balance saving recovery, battle girding her emotions watermark in tears rewashing her preserving patience.
A mother a wife a sister a friend
A mother meets her responsibilities to safeguard and protect her children from harms danger, she takes on Parental responsibility instinct maternal love,
parental responsibility refers to the rights and privileges which underpin the relationship between children and parents and those adults who have taken on a significant role in life of others, primary consideration for a mother, is to take the leading role in all cases affecting their children's interests, whether initiated by public authorities or private accountable institutions; Parental Responsibility simply means all the rights, duties, and powers are served upon a mother, who desires her children to live with her, or otherwise to regulate the child's residence; and to take appropriately control disciplinary measures, by directing and guiding the child's upbringing; if the child is not living with her she will want, to maintain a personal relations and contact with the child on a regular basis;
And even to act as the child's legal representative and guardian.
Having parental responsibility suggest that you have the right to make those
very important decisions about your child's life in thoughtful areas like medical treatment and education. Schools are required by law to have a wide range of dealings with pupils' parents, and the parents evening are a good time to get a clearer picture of how your child is doing with their curriculum,
But it also means that along with these selected areas, you will have other financial commitment and heavy responsibilities, a mother will also have a duty to care and protect your child.
Parental responsibility does not mean paying maintenance alone, or child support. The two things are not connected. All birth or adoptive parents have a legal duty to financially support their child, even if they do not have parental responsibility.
According to current law, a mother always has parental responsibility for her child. A father, however, has this responsibility only if he is married to the mother or has acquired legal responsibility for his child. Living with the mother, even for a long time, does not automatically give a father parental responsibility. Parental responsibility does not always pass to the natural father if the mother dies and the parents were not married.
Listening Skill
Effectively communicating with confidence enhance her personal impact and tailored awareness of others who are in need of consolidation, mentoring her presentable skills and softening her interpersonal effort with all aspect of communication listening skills
Listening is not just nodding to a subject like reading and writing. Many women feels that listening comes naturally and that as long as we can listen to directions on how to find restoration and happiness, then nothing more needs to be said. The latest studies reveal that listening is a very large part of adult learning and is one of our primary means of interacting
Being a good listener means focusing our attention on the message and reviewing the important information. A mother a wife a sister a friend a lover, a woman is gifted with listening qualities, Parents can model good listening behavior for their children and advise them on ways to listen as an active learner, picking tension points out of highlights in a conversation, and ask the relevant questions Be interested and attentive, encourage others to talk more freely, listening patiently, the technique and method employed while listening to others complain, the mind stores and recalls sensory information, developing language framework and extending linguistic boundaries, and the systematic principle of active listening and reading non verbal communication, sharing relevant psychological principles, Understanding facial expressions, peoples energy level, their posture, or changes in their behavior patterns.
General health awareness
Bad health significantly tarnishes opportunism and relegate individuals to a secondary existence lacking mobility excitement in progressiveness continuity, painful illness triumphs in away that constantly forces the person to react and question their morals, to see where the medication can redeem the sufferers tranquility, at this worrying stage, a woman is more health conscious, having regular check up with their doctor, and alerting other members of the family to shun the verge of risk and participate in healthy living, she is able to use the most persuasive argument, to change the strength of doubt to serious regeneration benefit.
A woman is more concern about health issues than most men; general health, well-being fitness and diet control information about conditions, medications, in-depth information about highly personal health issues, diseases that are explained, attending discussion forums where she is not too embarrass to ask questions that will give her a better understanding of highly personal health issues, fertility treatment diagnosis, and treatment of other cancerous diseases.
She is investigative to any suspicious unusual signs and behavior within her body, quickly seeking relief and recrimination, prescription treatment and belief in realistic healing prospect finding out different kinds of mixing and using The combination of exercise and caffeine increased destruction of precancerous cells that had been damaged by the sun's ultraviolet rays, Most mothers know at least one thing about their child's speech development, motor function, or maybe even when their baby will get some hair on the head. A woman is a walking library sharing conversation on the widest range of topics, she is a pharmacist dispensing medical information to her family, becoming a nurse to all members of the family, when they are overdose on worldly enjoyment, she revives the home with nutritious vitamins
Mental health awareness
Addiction is about will power taking control of something greater than you are able to handle, maybe a recurring herpes disease, and others that includes alcohol and drug cravings and continued drinking and drug use despite repeated alcohol and drug-related problems therapy, such as losing a job or getting into trouble with the law. Symptoms of mental emptiness include craving, impaired control, physical dependence and increased tolerance.
The undeniable qualities of a perfect woman comes out to the forefront in her attitude towards injustices, marginalizing the underprivileged, supporting the weak and afflicted who may be homeless, or suffering from extreme trauma, sympathizing comforter, touch by empathy, distributing flames of kindness, every streams in heart flow in care for humanity, she is not afraid to support rehabilitation for Drug users, Alcohol Addiction, depression, demon possessions, these are the crowning qualities of the perfect woman, with the skills and tolerance to administer Treatment, patiently searching to find the soul lost in memorial disorder, welcoming Discovered Health, a woman is often seen performing her valuable service in hospital, hospice, nursing homes, private homes children's refuge, working with the homeless, giving hope to those with lost causes, binding up the broken hearted, no task is too small, when making friends with the less fortunate, focusing on the problem and reuniting the mind to responsive use, A woman will get all the drug and alcohol addiction information that is needed to Discovery a Healthy Application, finding clinics and assessment centers; She is the custodian of immense qualities
Education progress
Education is a progressive development, nationally administered but independently received, in many countries women are not allowed to be educated beyond a certain standard, however, they already have that inward quality of self sufficient and culturally they are only complying to the strange demands place upon them, so life can be more tolerable in the home, In some schools More than a million pupils in primary schools have no men teaching them. Only women taking up the mantel, In addition, to that nearly 300,000 will end their six years of primary schooling without being taught by a male teacher. Raising the level of awareness for women, who have bridge the gap years and living dangerously to further their careers, attending business school and staying ahead of their rivals?
Career woman
Industrious hard working the domestic goddess adjust the average day to pack everything neatly away in cupboards and drawers along with every lavender rose fragrance bags, keeping everything freshly scented, time assume the percentage of women are awake at the crack appearing in dawn to stern reality, helping load from car, mounting pavement with pram and pushchair, taking long journey arriving at destination, descriptively tired, but persistent in endless bungling itinerary, feeling low under excruciating pressure to book the holiday, selecting what to wear the most exhilarating aspect from her range more purposeful becoming insistent just as the new school term starts, so does the rush for uniforms, rewarding herself with flattering mirror image, a dream reflection figure in trance swimwear.
Excel in the formula with different vocations testing her skills level, impressing her employers, with conscientious time keeping taking time to be presentable addressing health and beauty, a choice of career from professional accountancy. A career in Accounting, basically involves managing the finances of the company, or institute or even your own business, commercial accounting incorporates tasks such as month end processing, forecasting, reporting, budgeting, financial analysis, reconciliation report, banking checks and balancing, completing tidy paper work. One of the most important and transferable skills that a career minded person could have is excel skills. Lets face it canvassing numbers make most business profitable, and world investors queue up to get in on the action, so when a career woman can understand numbers and know how to make presentation, she can leap ahead into first class, To a heart of gold in the voluntary section working in advertising, tourism hospitality and leisure, trade and industry, administration and medical, modeling and pole dancing, the list is really endless,
Love and devotion conjugal love
In relationship a woman seeks for a man that will instinctively conform to the natural image that the imagination conceive, happiness is not looking for Cinderella, falling in love is a working relationship forged through blazing fire, its not living happily ever after, although it is a wonderful unique idea, it just does not work practically, Christian woman who get married their expectation can be too high, they do not expect to have a bad marriage, and when disaster comes they are unable to cope with the splitting up, due to lack of preparation, but preparation for unfortunate incidents is woven within all their wonderful resources greeting disappointment in rainfall showers and share them with friends. A way to keep dry in adverse condition, preparation presents the expectations and roles of women in marriage are paved concrete stability.
Presentation and attractiveness
There was a survey for a Christian magazine asking men these important questions: How would you describe the woman of your dreams? What does your wife do well that other women could learn from? What has been your greatest struggle in your marriage? How could your wife help alleviate that problem?; What is one thing you wish women understood about what a man wants in the woman of his dreams? Seven qualities came up over and over again. The survey found that the woman of a man's dreams prays for him, respects him, adores him, initiates intimate friendship with him, sees him as second to none, encourages him, and sexually fulfills him. Sprinkled throughout the pages are glimpses of men's heart as they honestly share their responses. Also included is a study guide, of the devotional qualities of a perfect spiritual woman which makes this article useful for counseling individuals or groups of women wanting to be successful, supportive, fulfilling all God has called them to be in the lives of the men they love.
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