Friday, February 8, 2008


So many of us look at others and make ourselves feel inferior or think to ourselves how much smarter others are. We think WOW they are really brilliant or they learn scripture so well, know the Bible so well. Before long you may feel as I have felt, that you will never be as good as others or serve the Lord as well as others. You may even feel that you are not even worthy to serve Him.
I pray you will read the rest of this and feel what I do........ find some peace and hopefully how worthwhile you truly are. It isn't what you know or how easily you learn things. It isn't your IQ or whether you have memorized the Bible from cover to cover or are capable of talking a great story or not. I have found that the key to all things whether it be in everyday life, work, or more importantly in serving the Lord is not what you know, but applying what you do know........Application!
What good is it if you know the definition of love, yet love no one? What good is it to memorize the Bible from cover to cover and yet apply none of it to serve others? What good is it to know how to help others through trials if you never reach out when others need you? What good is it if you know all about encouragement, yet never utter a word when it is needed?
I hope you get my point here. Please do not judge who or what you are by how much scripture others may know, how intelligent they seem to talk or how long they have been a Believer.
For a Ten year old who learns that the Lord wants her to love others and does so unconditionally and gives her love, her time and even her possessions to others is by far closer to the Lord and serving the Lord greater than any Theologian who learns all there is but applies none of it in his life.
If you are single and lonely, yet instead of living in bitterness and self pity you spend your time reaching out and encouraging others. Spending the extra time you may have to relieve a single parent who has no spare time. This is application! This is serving the Lord with love.
The mother who gives up her time, her energy, even her dreams to serve her children with love and encouragement. Guiding them so they learn to grow not just in years but in knowledge of their Lord and Savior is a mother who serves her Lord and children in love.
A father and husband who loves his wife and children as Christ loves the church is a man who puts their needs first before his own and is truly a servant to them. He is a man who not only blesses his wife and children but also honors God. The saddest part of this is that so many men think it is control that matters, or that they must rule, but that is as far from the truth as you can get! For a man who serves his family, Puts their needs first and does this with love becomes a man who is blessed by his wife and children. They see his love for them and the Lord and they bless him back ten times what he gives out, for it is not control that wins but love and servanthood that is always victorious, just as Jesus Christ was victorious through his love and His servanthood.
It is not how great or how many the gifts you have. It is a matter of applying your gift. It is not how much you know. It is applying what you do know. Are there Nobel prize winners? Yes, But what is a business with only a president and no employees? One that is bankrupt! What is a church with only a Pastor and no members to serve? A church whose doors will close! What is Calvary's Cross without Jesus Christ? Right, Just another crucifixion! No death! No resurrection! No salvation! Jesus gave us the greatest gift of all, but in the end HE HAD TO GIVE IT, and aren't we forever blessed because He did? All gifts are nothing until they are given. I ask you, who might be needing what you have to offer? I encourage you to unwrap the gift of yourself and give it away. Give it with love, give it with Joy, But most of all GIVE IT!

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