Friday, September 19, 2008


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By Apostle William K Korir \

The Israelites were led out of bondage in Egpyt and they were to entered a land flowing with milk and honey. The rough desert terrain made their journey unbearable. But God was always beside them, encouraging them in every step they made. He opened ways accross the sea. Shielded them from the venomous serpents and scorpions in the desert. provided a shed for them through the desert heat. Yet as they approached the borders of Canaan, they tempted God. They cried bitterly refused to separate with the country of bondage. They yearned for the meat and onions and accused God for giving them tasteless bread; calling it worthless; - the heavenly bread - Mana. The wife of Lot had looked back in heart and accused God for sending them awat from her perceived wonderful hom of Sodom and Gomorah she was turned into a billar of salt. The consequences of disobeying God is death. Lot's wife died - was frozen into a pillar of salt. Many Israelites perished when they murmured against God. Christians should always learn to love God and to live a christian lives. God has good knews for His children. He has good plans for all those who love him. God has never destined any one to be lost for he is not happy over a perishing sinner. He is alwasy knocking at the door of your heart and if you could listine to his still voice and welcome him in, he will entered and live with you for ever. Learn to pray and to invite him to your heart for he is faithful. Do not look back to the things of the world which you had abandoned. There is happiness in God Jehovah alone. Search Him all the time and all the days of your Life and He will never live you. ISAIAH 41:10.13; jER. 29:11-13; 2Chronicles 16:9. Just learn to always follow Jesus and He will never abandone you.

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