Wednesday, September 3, 2008



When the Son of Man shall come in His glory and all the Holy Angels with him, then He shall sit upon the throne of His glory: and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one by one as a shephered divide sheep and goats......... then the King shall tell the sheep in the right hand, come to me ye blessed of my father ........inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. for;
I was hungry and you fed me
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink
I was a stranger and you took me to your homes
I was naked and you clothed me
I was sick and you visted me
I was in prison and you came to encourage me

Jesus said, when you do good to the less fortunate you do unto me. And he said to those in his left hand, depart from me you cursed ....... join everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For when you did not do good to the needy you denied me same (Mathew 25:31-46).

Jesus taught his desciples to live a life of service and generousity. He guided them of the importance of paying attention to those members of the society who are less fortunate such as widows, orphans,those imprison and those starving due to abject poverty.

In this, Christ gave an analogy that whenever Christians did good to all those people in need, they were doing so for Him and they would receive from God a generous gift of eternal Life. He also advised that those not serving His will and not caring for those in need and were instead amassing wealth and piling millions of shillings to lie idle in their banks, while many wallow in abject poverty or languish in prisons, God would surely punish them with eternal fire prepared for the devil and His angels.

Take a moment to visualise this. Is it worth it, to hoard millions of shillings in Banks and when one expires, the funds are left in the hands of those who will squander. Just think about this! How about if you spend a little of this money to buy a loaf of bread and a packet of milk to give to a deserving case of some starving family. Isn't it worthwhile?

It is better to consider assisting those in dire need for the glory of God. How about forming a Kitty in your local church say for Widows, Hospitalised, Imprisonned etc. and set a day once a month to use the money contributed to buy essentials for each respective case and encourage them on the word of God.

May God Bless you as you plan to chat your course of serving the Lord Jesus Christ by giving to the desrving cases - in accordance to god's standards of a worthy Christian who cares. Amen!

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