Tuesday, September 2, 2008


BY Apostle William K Korir

About 2000 years ago, Jesus sat with His desciples as he trained them on the work he was about to lieave them to carryon with. For three years he had given them intensive training to lead the greater world in knowing Jesus and the true God. He warned thenm on the tough challenges which lay ahead of them. He told them that many of them would be persecuted because of His name but urge them to take courage as he was going to be with them all way. He encourage them to persevere all temptation and pray to God for strength to overcome their trying times.

Jesus told them to be alert and watch the signs of the times that would guide them on what was to take place.

He gave them the following guide;

The Sun would loose light during the day
The moon would turn red as blood
The Stars would fall
There would be wars and rumours of wars
There would be no love amongst bretherens
There would great famine among nations
There would be floods among Nations and many lives lost
There would be increased knowlege and technology
Yet the end will not come until the would reach ends of the world.

Since 1960's Technology has really advanced. While on earth we are able to view the furthest stars millions of miles away from the earth. new planets (Stars) are being discouvered. Very powerful Telescopes have been made that is able to show a little object as a needle in those planets. Internet has made it possible to changethe world into a global village.

Look around you there is alot of hatred, no more love between Mummy and Daddy. When you go to the local Church the Pastor preach open hatred - no love at all amongts the worshippers. Live is full of emptiness. The Colleagues you work with are no better either. Hatred.......witchhunting........... gossip....... uh! Bad situation bad environment. You go to church they apply marketing techniques to obtain money from you... they feign to the faithfuls of prosperity.........yet this is a mirage. You give hoping o receive blessings as promised you by the preachers but .......... it is apparent there is no luight at the end of the tunnel. The Bible asays they will be preaching peace peace............. yet trouble is ever increasing.

The Bible says......... do not be troubled believe in God believe also in Jesus for He his your only source of your Salvations (John 14). Therefore look upon the heavenly things which are unseen where Jesus is, for teh unseen things are eternal while the seen things of this world are temporary (Col. 3:1-5)

God loves you so much and it is only Him who can take care of your situiations (John 3:16)

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