There is power in the word of God. We are now living under the new covenant where Jesus has fulfilled all at the cross. He has forgiven all sins and Mankind can now live in peace and tranguility. Jesus has given us the power of redemption etrenally forgiving us all past sins. He has now written in our hearts the whole Law and we no longer stand condempt. He has also given us rest in Jesus and therefore we no longer are bound by the physical keeping of days since we have found total rest in Jesus alone.(Hebrews 9,10 ...)

Apostle William Korir outside President Hotel in Kieve City - Ukraine
The Power of the Holy Spirit works through the human agencies to spread the gospel to the world. The world needs Jesus and servants to spread His gospel.
Let no one therefore judge you over observance of days or trying to be good in order to attain salvation. All was finished at the cross when our saviour hanged on a tree. please praise the LOrd you dwellers of the earth for you have been eternally reedemed amd receive the free grace offered to you all by Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

Apostle William Korir and Mr & Mrs Mukabi lays the foundation of church construction
Hope Ministries Sanctuary at Kitengela.
The word of God must spread to all ends of the earth as a witness, then the Son of God shall descend in the clouds with thousands of His Angels to take home the redeemed.

Mrs Koromboi and her Son whom she named "God Bless" displays her convidence as she believes gave her the miracle son after doctors had declared she was no longer going to give birth. A man of who visited her village prayed for her and she conceived a son whom she gave her a unique name, "God Bless"
See how God can elavate you and bless you with abundance.
Trust in God and search your hearts amd allow Him to transform you to reflect His will.
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