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That in Blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy send as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because you have obeyed my voice (Genesis 22:17).
God had asked Abraham to offer his only son born out of his old age as a sacrifice to God; and Abraham the great man of faith willingly offered his son to God. He did not query God's decision to request for his son to be offered as a sacrifice. Abraham's action touched the heart of God so much that he willingly promised Abraham that he would offer Jesus Christ who was to be Abraham seed through the lineage of King David; to come and die for the fallen beings and therefore purchase all those who will accept his gospel and received salvation which was avail to all through the grace of God. Out of His enormous love for the all peoples, God offered Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for all sinners and whoever would believe the gospel would not perish but have everlasting life.( John 3:16).

When we are Baptised we become a new creation.
People of the world are called upon to turn away from their sinful ways and accept Jesus as their personal Saviour and be baptised in much water in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. by Receiving Baptism we shall be burring our passed and resurrect to a new life in Jesus Christ.
All people of the world will become the adopted children of God by faith and when they are baptised into Christ they are brought in harmony with God and become heirs of all God's inheritance irrespective of their origin, Asia, Africa, Europe, America Middle east and all parts of the world(Galatians 3:25-29).
People lead terrible lives when they submit to worldly desires as drunkeness.
When we accept Jesus as personal saviour and follow His foot steps; we receive God's abundant blessings. We shall lack nothing and will walk in peace, fellowship with God all day long and shall be assured of a secure future.
Pray this Prayer:
I have learnt that you Jesus came and died for me at the Calvary cross. I deserved to die but you stepped in
between and took the punishment that was meant for me, for I am the one who sin. Lord Jesus I thank you for giving me Salvation through the grace of God. I' am now saved and freed of my guilt through your love for me, which you displayed at the Cross! Lord thank you for your goodness for I 'am now free and secure. I pray in the name of Jesus! Amen!

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