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Who is God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit? So you may ask! Give you a few minutes and I will explain. I wish to request you to look at nature around you. Look at the sky - You will see clouds, stars moon and sun depending on the season and time. Look at the mountains, forests, animals, rivers and what else? 

There is someone mighty who made all this things. We have a holy book known as the Bible,which has such powerful words that transforms the hearts of people. The Bible announces the creator of mankind who made everything that you see around you including people. The name of this God is Jehova. He also has many other names which describe him in many ways such as strength, presence, authority etc. The Bible further explains that in the beginning God all things in six days and completed his work of creation. On the sixth day he made the first man and father of all people making the present nations, people of Asia, people of America, people of Europe, people of light skin and dark skin. God had blessed the first man and gave him a wife which he made from his rib and instructed them to produce children and fill the world.(Genesis Chapter 1,2...). From this one family, the world has over 8 billion people. The world Statistics reveals that 5 children are born through out the world per second out of which three people die per second.
God who made the earth and the universe and all the creatures in it, proclaims that He is a Superior God and God of all other Gods. He commands all human beings of all nations to worship him. He is unhappy when people worship other gods which are images made by human hands. He calls upon all mankind to worship Him for he is the only true God. God see you in secret and He says that he has good plans for you, to prosper you even to day. He lives in heaven and fills the earth with His presence. He has millions and millions and probably billions of administering spirits, know as Holy Angels protecting all human beings including you. The Angels move from earth to heaven delivering messages and submitting reports pertaining to human beings and bringing back blessings assigned by God to His children (human beings). God has no discrimation when distributing His blessings. He give rain to all of them and blesses the crops in the fields all alike.
There are however a group of bad spirits ( demons or devils) whose leader is known as Satan. They formed part of the heavenly angels, however, when they rebeled against God they were sent away and they came down to planet earth to seek refuge and convinced the first man to also rebel against God. He approached Him in a cunnying manner, and the first family did not detect, the mischief the rebels had. Their action was to lead to their extermination, for God had warned them not to touch the fruits of a tree in the middle of the garden.
The action by Adam displeased God who sent them out of their home in Eden to go out into the field to fend for their livelihood. Even though God had sent away this family, it was for their good, and God had a better plan for them through which their mistake would be forgiven. God had put in place means of saving minkind from eternal destruction. God Sent Jesus Christ, who is also God, to come to the earth and he was born a miraculous birth through the power of the Holy Spirit( who is also God), to Mary of Galilee in the City of Nazareth.
He grew up like any other child but he did not make any mistake or commit sin. When he was 30 years old he started his ministry and did many miracles as he called people to return to God and worship Him alone. Three years later he was crucifed by some people who hated his teachings. He was hanged on a cross and later His side was pierced by on of the soldiers and blood oozed.
The Bible says,at the cross, Jesus became a powerful magnet, pulling all peoples together into his body and God the Father,carried out the work of reconciliation, reconciling the fallen world, to himself. All people of the world including yourself was pulled into the body of Christ at the cross, from the time of Adam, into the future - and God forgave them their sins.
Today! God is speaking to you to recognise this fact that God loves you on personal level.Even though I do not know you, He God Knows you. He was involved when you were being formed in your mothers womb. He is the one who empowered your parents and those involed to give you a name.He has been following you in secret, and he has very good plans for you. Whenever, you have been going through hard times, God has been there with you encouraging you softly and defining your testiny.
To be His follower is very simple! Just accept Him as your God from today and things in your life will never be the same as you will witness a very powerful transformation taking shape in your life. Accepting Jesus is personal and not even your husband, wife, sons, daughters can stop you from accepting Him. You can pray in silence this Pray;
Thank you GOD! I have now learned and believe that you died for me in the cross at Golgata! I'am sorry for all the mistakes I have commited in the past, please forgive me! and change my life today. Thank you for answering my prayer in Jesus NAME! I pray. Amen. - You are now saved!
Three times a day, start talking to God and finish your discussion by thanking him and believing God for answering your requests - in the name of JESUS CHRIST!
The first discussion with God can be at six in the morning or when you wake up, the second will be at noon and before you go to sleep. You also need to talk to him before taking any meal, and whenever you encounter a problem or a need. You should also thank Him whenever something good happen to you because He is the one who has provided you.
Whenever you are talking to Him you will not hear His voice, but you will see the results of answers to you request. Some requests are answered immediately while some may delay.. but in each case you should practice to continue praying again and again ......... continuosly for as long as you live. You should tell your friends about your new experience and train them to practice the same and also tell others.
For the rest of the information, God will give you a vision or send some one to assist you. He will direct a fellow human being to come your way and help you!
May God bless you in your new journey and one day we shall meet in heaven when Jesus comes to take us home.
May God Bless you mightily.

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